“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Preaching saves sinners by working faith in them and causes them to call and to believe and to be saved.  It does this by uncovering the sinner before God. Nowadays, preaching is being replaced with performance; exposition with entertainment; doctrine with drama; theology with theatrics. However, it is pertinent to mention that preaching is not something just to address our mind or our emotions, but addresses the whole man. It should sometimes make us nervous and make us feel uncomfortable in our sin.  It should convict, reprove, rebuke and admonish us. Dearly beloved, as believers, God has appointed the preaching as the way that Christ will speak to our souls to save us. Preaching is not just a word for those who do not go to church where there is good preaching, but a word for everyone.


PRAYER: Grant me the boldness to preach Your Gospel O Lord




“Nitori oro Olorun ye, o si mu ju idakida oloju meji lo, o s n gun ni ani titi de pipin okan ati emi niya, ati orike ati ora inu egungun, on si ni olumo ero inu ati ete okan.” Heberu 4:12

Iwaasu a maa gba elese la nitori ti o n se ise igbagbo ninu won, o n mu won gbagbo, a si maa gba won la. o maa nfi awon elese han  niwaju Olorun. Ni aye ode oni, won ti fi ere dipo iwaasu, idanilaraya dipo Itonisona , ere itage dipo liana, ere sise dipo eko Bibeli. Bi o tile je wipe, iwaasu kii se latii ba okan wa nikan wi bikose gbogbo ara, o ye ki o mu wa ronu  ki o si mu ki ese maa run si wa. O ye ki o da wa lejo, ki o ba wa wi, ki o si gba wa ni iyanju. Olufe owon, gege bi onigbagbo, Olorun ti yan iwaasu gege bii ona ti Kristi yio maa gba lati ba okan wa soro, lati gba wa la. Iwaasu kii se oro fun awon ti kii lo si ile ijosin nikan, sugbon oro fun gbogbo eniyan.


ADURA: Fun mi ni igboya lati waasu ihinrere re, Oluwa. Amin

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