“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” John 17:17

Think on whatever is true. What is truth? Jesus and what He reveals about reality. The devil’s chief tool is deception; God’s chief tool is truth. Anything not built on truth eventually collapses. The whatever works mentality must be trashed. We are not to be silly beings that treat life as a joke. God’s breath was given to us to represent Him. Thoughts on whatever is right is those thoughts that conform to God’s standards of righteousness. This means treating others right. Truth is meant to saturate the mind and transform the daily lifestyle. If the truth makes it into your mind but never changes what you look at, walk to, or touch, then it was never written on your heart. The purpose of truth is to transform the rebellious heart of man into the obedient heart as a child of God. Christian maturity is not measured by what you know it is measured by what you do. Here is the reason for coming together as a body. We all need encouragement to take the truth we know about Jesus and apply it in love and good deeds.


PRAYER: Let everything I do be based on your truth O Lord



“So win di mimo ninu otito, Otito li oro re.” Johannu 17:17


Maa gba ohun ti n se otito ro. Kinni otito? Jesu ati ohun ti o si fihan. Ohun elo ti esu maa nlo ni etan sugbon olori ohun elo ti Olorun ni otito. Ohuunkohun ti a ko ba ko si ori otito, yio wo lule. A ni lati ko ero wipe eyikeyi ti o ba seese, kuro ni okan wa. A ko gbodo fi aye wa sere. Olorun fun wa ni eemi re, ki a baa le maa se asoju fun un, e maa ro ohun ti o tona, ti o si ba ife ati ododo Olorun mu. Eyi tumo si wipe ki a maa se darardara si omonikeji wa. Otito a maa we okan mo, a si maa yi igbe aye eni pada. Bi otito ba wo inu okan re, sugbon ti ohun ti o n wo, irinsi re, tabi ohun ti o n fi owo kan ko yi pada, a je wipe a ko ko otito naa si okan re. Anfani otito ni lati yii okan buburu eniyan pada si okan igboran ti omo Olorun. Kii se ohun ti o mo ni a fi n wo bi o ti dagba ninu igbagbo si bikose nipase ohun ti o ba se. idi niyi ti a fi npejo po gege bi ara kan. A nilo oro iyanju lati le gba otito ti a mo nipa Jesu ki a si se amulo re ninu ife ati ise rere.

BIBELI KIKA: Johannu  17

ADURA: Je ki ohun gbogbo ti mo ba se ki o maa duro lori otito re, Oluwa. Amin


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