“LORD my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me,” Psalms 7:1 NIV

The words of Psalm 7:1 remind us of the unwavering refuge we find in our Lord. Life can often feel overwhelming, with challenges and trials pursuing us. In these moments, we turn to the One who offers us solace, strength, and salvation.

Just as the Psalmist sought refuge in the Lord, we too can find shelter in His loving arms. When troubles chase us, we need not fear, for our God is our sanctuary. He is the ever-present help in times of trouble. Psalms 91:2, says, “I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, …” Let these words be engraved in our hearts. Let us declare with confidence that God is our refuge, our unshakable fortress. No matter the situation, we have a God whom we can trust. The Lord is not only our refuge but also our deliverer. He rescues us from the traps that entangle us, and He saves us from the dangers that threaten to overpower us. Take a moment today to meditate on the security found in the Lord. Know that In His arms, you are safe and secured and in His love, you will find the strength to face life’s challenges.

BIBLE READINGS:  Psalms 91:2-6

PRAYER: Lord, May I find peace in your presence, knowing that you are my refuge and deliverer in every circumstance. Amen

                 AABO TÍ Ó PAMỌ


“Oluwa ati Ọlọ́run mi, mo gba ààbò ninu Rẹ̀,  dáàbò bò mi ki o si gba mí lọ́wọ́ àwọn ti wọn nlepa mí ” Psalm 7:1.

Ọ̀rọ̀ ninu Psalm 7:1 ran wa leti pe ko si àyídáyidà nípa ààbò ti a ní nínu  Olúwa. Ayé wa nígbà miran máà ń sún ní, pẹ̀lú ọ̀pọ̀ wàhálà àti àdánwò ti o ndojuko wa. Ni irú àsìkò yìí  o  yẹ ki a yi padà sí ọ̀dọ̀ ẹnì tí ó ni ìtùnú, agbára àti ìgbàlà. Gẹgẹ bi òní psalmu e wa ààbò  ninu Oluwa, àwa náà lè wa ìpamọ́ ninu apa ìfẹ́ Rẹ̀. Nigbati wàhálà bá nlé wa, a kó nílò lati bẹ̀rù, nitori Olúwa ni ilé ìọ̀ wa. Òun ni lọ́wọ́ lọ́wọ́ ìran lọ́wọ́ ni ìgbà iponju. Psalm 91:2, sò pé “emi o sọ fún Olúwa pé Òun ni ààbò àti òdì mí… jẹ́ kí á kọ àwọn ọ̀rọ̀ sinú àyà wa. Ẹ jẹ́kí a sọ pẹ̀lú ìgboyà pé Ọlọ́run ní ààbò wa, òdì ti ko le mi. Ohunkohun ti o wù ki o jẹ ìdààmú wa, a ni Ọlọ́run ti a lè gbẹkele. Ọlọ́run kìí e ààbò wa nìkan, ùgbọ́n olùtú nisilẹ wa ni. Oun gbà wá silẹ ninu ìdẹkùn ti a na silẹ fún wa; Òun ngba wá kúrò lọwọ ewú tí nda ẹrù ba wa, lati bori wa. Wa aye loni, làti e ààrò lórí idààbò bò  ti o ri nínu Olúwa. Mọ pé nínú apá Rẹ̀, o ni ìpamọ́ ati idààbò bò ninu ìfẹ́ Rẹ̀, o o ni agbára láti dojú kọ ìòro ninu ayé.

BIBELI KIKA: Psalm 91:2-6

ADURA: Olúwa kí èmi ki o lè ri àlàáfíà ninu ìwàláàyè Rẹ̀,  ti mo si mọ pé Ìwọ ni ààbò àti ìtúsílẹ̀ mí nínú gbogbo àyídáyidà. Àmín.

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