Blessed be the God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant Mercy hath Begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” 1 Peter 1 : 3(KJV).

The Lord Jesus is the only hope of the whole world because through Him alone the world is aligned to God and nobody can get anything except through Him. It happens that Jesus went down to a town named Nain, accompanied by His disciples and a large crowd. And when He arrived at the gate of the town, a funeral procession was coming out. A young man had died, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow, and many people of the city were with her, but when the Lord Jesus saw her He had compassion on her, saying unto her “Weep not”. Jesus moved towards the casket and touched it, then commanded the dead young man to arise and immediately the dead sat up and began to speak, He then delivered him to his mother, and people there were amazed and glorified God, Brethren always have your hope in Christ Jesus for everything and He will do everything for you.

BIBLE READINGS:  Luke 7: 11 – 17

PRAYER: Father allow our hope in you to continually be awakened and alive in Jesus’ Name. Amen.




Olubukún li Ọlọrun ati Baba Oluwa wa Jesu Kristi, ẹniti o tún bí wa gẹgẹ bi ọ̀pọlọpọ ãnu rẹ̀ fun ireti alãye nipa ajinde Jesu Kristi kuro ninu okú” 1 Peteru 1:3 (KJV)

Jesu Oluwa nikan ni ireti ti gbogbo agbaye nitori pe nipasẹ rẹ nikan ni aye ti wa ni ibamu pẹlu Ọlọrun ati pe ko si ẹnikan ti o le gba ohunkohun ayafi nipasẹ Rẹ. O si ṣe, Jesu sọkalẹ lọ si ilu kan ti a npè ni Naini pelu awon omo-ehin Re ati opo eniyan. Nígbà tí Ó sì dé ẹnubodè ìlú náà, ètò ìsìnkú kan ń jáde wá.  Ọdọmọkunrin kan ti kú, ọmọ kanṣoṣo ti iya rẹ̀, o si jẹ opó, ọ̀pọlọpọ eniyan ilu si wà pẹlu rẹ̀, ṣugbọn nigbati Oluwa Jesu ri i, o ṣãnu fun u, o wi fun u pe, Máṣe sọkun. Jesu si lọ si ọna posi naa o si fi ọwọ kan o, lẹhinna o paṣẹ fun ọdọmọkunrin ti o ku lati dide, lojukanna awọn okú si dide joko, o si sọ̀rọ, o si fi i le iya rẹ̀ lọwọ, ẹnu si yà awọn eniyan, nwọn si yin Ọlọrun logo. Ẹ̀yin ará, e maa ni ireti ninu Jesu Kristi nigbagbogbo, yio si se ohun gbogbo fun yin.

BIBELI KIKA: Lúùkù 7:11-17

ADURA: Baba jẹ ki ireti wa ninu rẹ ki o maa ji ati laaye ni orukọ Jesu. Amin.

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