
“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12

When our job changes, we may go from identifying ourselves as “employed” or a job title such as Doctor, Engineer etc. Life brings so many changes both natural and those caused by circumstances. Many of these changes can bring the feelings of fear or uncertainty. But the good news is that when we become a believer in Christ, our identity is made certain because God doesn’t change. No longer is our identity based on who we are but on whose we are. We are forgiven, accepted, redeemed and so much more based on who Jesus is. We may know this in our head but how do we live this new identity out and not revert to our old way of thinking. Living out our new identity in Christ has to take root in our thinking. The attitude of our mind must be based on who God is, His likeness, not on ourselves.
When you read the Bible, then you will know who you are because of who God is. In as much your father is a King, you are a beloved child of a King and certainly not a slave.
Father, give me the grace to live a good identity that will proclaim and glorify Your name. Amen
BIBLE READINGS: 1 Peter 2:1-10


“Sugbon iye awon ti o gba a, awon li o fi agbara fun lati di omo Olorun, ani awon naa ti o gba oruko re gbo“ Johannu 1:12

Nigba ti a ba paaro ise, a le maa se idanimo wa gege bii “osise” tabi iru ise bii ti Dokita, Onimo ero, ati bee bee lo. Opolopo ayipada ni o maa n de ba ni ninu aye yii, ayipada eyi ti o maa n dede wa tabi ayipada nitori isele kan tabi ekeji. Opolopo awon ayipada wonyi ni o le mu iberu tabi aini idaniloju wa. Sugbon iroyin ayo ni wipe, nigba ti a ba di onigbagbo ninu Kristi, ati ni idanimo ti o daju nitori Olorun kii yipada. Idanimo wa ko duro lori iru eniyan ti a je mo bikose lori ti eni ti awa nse. A ti dariji wa, ati tewogba wa, ati rawapada ati bee bee lo nitori eni ti Jesu nse. O seese ki a mo eyi ninu okan wa sugbon bawo ni a se fe lo igbesi aye wa pelu idanimo titun yii ti a ko si ni pada si inu ero wa atijo. Gbigbe igbe aye wa pelu idanimo ninu Kristi gbodo han ninu ero okan wa. Ero okan wa gbodo je ti Olorun, aworan re, kii si se ti ara wa. Nigba ti o ba ka Bibeli, iwo yio mo eniti o je nitori iru eni ti Olorun je. Niwon igba ti baba re ti je oba, iwo naa je aayo omo oba, oo si ki n se eru.

Baba, fun mi ni oore ofe lati gbe igbe aye idanimo rere eyi ti yio polongo ti yio si fi ogo fun oruko Re. Amin
BIBELI KIKA: 1 Peteru 2:1-10

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