God Is The Source

The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell in it. Psalm 24:1

God is the source of all things even the things that we achieve in the world today based on gifts and powers even in technology they are all by God. Colossians 1 vs 16 says “For by Him all things were created, things in heaven are on earth, visible and invisible…” If we forget or do not acknowledge this, it may result into conflict with God. In our lives If God is our provider, then we can be rest assured to have what we need. On the other hand, if we depend on ourselves, it is a failure. Only God never fails.

Father thank you for being the source of my everything
BIBLE READINGS:  Deuteronomy 8: 11-18


Ti Olúwa ni ilẹ̀, àti ẹ̀kún rẹ̀, ayé àti àwọn tí ó tẹ̀dó sínú rẹ̀; Orin Dafidi 24:1

Olorun ni orisun oun gbogbo ti a ba ni ninu aye, yálà nipase ebun wa, tabi agbara, tabi imo èrọ, Olorun ni o se gbogbo rè. Kolose 1 vs 27 wipe “Nitori nipase re ni a ti da oun gbogbo, lorun ati laye: ati oun ti a ri, ati oun ti a ko ri…” Ti a ba gbagbe tabi ti a kò lati mo eleyi, o le fa rogbodiyan laarin awa ati Olorun. Ti a ba fi Oluwa se Olupese wa, nje awa le fokan bale wipe away io ni oun ti a nilo. Ni idakeji, ti a ba gbokan le agbara wa, ijakule ni yio yori si. Olorun nikan ni ko le janikule.

Baba. Mo dupe wipe O je olupese ohun gbogbo fun mi.
BIBELI KIKA: Deuteronomi 8: 11-18

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