What If Christ Hadn’t Been Resurrected?

But if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised. 1 Corinthians 15:13

Have you ever thought about how different your life might be if Jesus had not been raised from the dead? Paul described the terrible repercussions of such an event and how it would impact every believer. Otherwise, Christianity would be useless. Without the gospel, there would be no need for people to attend church. Anyone who did proclaim the resurrection would be giving a false account. Jesus would be shown to be a liar since He said He would rise again. He would be exactly like any other crucified sinner. Furthermore, it would be difficult to believe anything the Bible said in light of this untruth. Sin would not be forgiven, therefore. Without the resurrection, which served as evidence that God accepted Jesus’ offering, there would be no foundation for God to pardon our sins. Without hope, there would be no afterlife. We would all be condemned to eternal punishment and separation from God rather than being lifted to eternal life in heaven. Understanding the awful alternative frequently results in a greater appreciation of the reality. We have reason to celebrate the fact that Christ has been risen, our faith is genuine, the Bible is accurate, our sins have been covered, and the future resurrection is assured.

Father Lord am grateful to be counted among the souls you called to your kingdom through forgiveness of sin and hope through Christ Jesus. Amen.
BIBLE READINGS:  1 Corinthians 15:12-20


ùgbọ́n bí àjíǹde òkú kò sí, ǹjẹ́ Kristi kò jíǹde. 1 Korinti 15:13

Nje o tile ti ro bi aye re yio se ri bi Kristi ko ba jinde? Paulu se alaye awon abajade buburu tii ba mu wa fun awon onigbagbo. Esin kristeni i ba jasi ofo. Laisi ihinrere, ko ni si idi fun lilo si soosi. Enikeni to ba polongo ihinrere ni a o mu ni eke. Jesu paapaa ni a o mu ni opuro nitori o ko lati jinde gege bi o ti so. Awon eniyan yio rii bi ikan ninu awon else ti kan mo agbelebu. Pelupelu, yio soro lati gba Bibeli gbo. Ki yio si idariji ese, notori lai si ajinde eyi tii se eri wipe ebo Krisiti se itewogba lodo Olorun, ki yio si ipile fun idariji ese. Lai si ireti, iye lehin iku yio ja si ofo. Gbogbo eniyan ni ao si ya kuro lodo olorun pelu ijiya ayeraye. Nini oye awon abajade wonyi yio mu wa moriri ajinde Jesu Oluwa. Awa ni idi lati sajoyo wipe Kristi jinde, wipe igbagbo wa yekoro, Bibeli pe, ese wa ni a si mu kuro, ati wipe ajinde wa ni ojo kehin daju.

Baba mi orun, mo dupe wipe mo je okan ninu awon ti O pe si ijoba Re nipa idariji ese ati ireti nipa Jesu Kristi. Amin.
BIBELI KIKA: 1 Korinti 15:12-20

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