For Goodness’ Sake

“Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness)” Ephesians 5:8-9

An old poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson says, “Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.” There’s a lot of wisdom in those words. They teach us that choices have consequences. That’s certainly true when it comes to practicing goodness. People who want to grow in goodness try to obey the command in today’s Scripture to “find out what pleases the Lord.” And, as we can see, that command has both a positive and a negative application. Living as children of light means both doing what is good and not doing what is evil. Good and evil actions are radically different from each other, as much as light is different from darkness. But there is one thing they have in common: the more we practice them, the more skilled we become at doing them. That’s because the things we do shape the kind of people we are. Choices develop character. When you tell a lie, for example, you not only say something untrue; you become a liar. This explains why honest people don’t cheat. They know that only cheaters do that, and that is not the kind of person they want to become. Place a high premium on the fruit of goodness! You’ll discover that the bigger it gets, the sweeter it tastes.


PRAYER: Lord, forgive us for all we do wrong. Help us to live in the light of your goodness and grace so that everyone will know we belong to you. Amen.


“E maa rin gege bi awon omo imole (Nitori eso Emi wa ni ti isoore gbogbo” Efesu 5:8-9

Ewi atijo kan ti Ralph Waldo Emerson ko so wipe,” gbin ero kan ki o si ka igbese, gbin ise kan ki o si ka asa, gbin asa ki o si ka iwa, gbin iwa ki o si ka ayanmo.” Opolopo ogbon ni o wa ninu oro na. Won ko wa wipe atunbotan wa fun ipinnuti a ba se. Eyi kule je otito ti a ba n se oore. Awon eniyan ti o ba fe dagba ninu oore sise maa gbiyanju lati tele ase ti o wa ninu ese bibeli ti oni lati “ wa ohun ti o dun Olorun ninu.”Gege bi a ti le ri, ase yii ni a le lo ni ona ti o dara tabi eyi ti ko tona. Gbigbe gege bi omo imole tunmo si sise ohun ti o dara ati aise ohun ti ko dara. Igbese rere ati buburu yato si ara won, bi o ti je wipe imole yato si okunkun. Sugbon ohun kan wa ti won ni ni irepo; bi a ba se n tesiwaju ninu re, ni a o se ma kun oju osuwon ninu re. eyi je be nitori pe ohun ti a ba n se ni yio so iru eniyan ti awa je. Ipinnu maa n gbe Iwa jade. Fun apeere, ti o ba pa iro, o ko so ohun ti ki i se otito lasan, sugbon o tun di opuro. Eleyi se alaye bi awon olotito eniyan ki I yan ni je. Won mo wipe awon alarekereke eniyan lo n se eyi, eyi ko si je iru eniyan ti won fe da. Fi akiyesi nla si ori eso ti isoore! Iwo yio ri wipe bi o se n tobi si niyio se dun to.

BIBELI KIKA: Efesu 5:1-14

ADURA: Oluwa, dariji wa fun ohun buburu gbogbo ti a nse. Ranwalowo lati maa gbe ninu imole oore ati ooreofe ki gbogbo eniyan le mo wipe tire ni awa n se. Amin.

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