“To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.” 1 Peter 1:4

Through Baptism, our citizenship has been made for us in heaven and because of that there is indeed a paradox to our living on this earth. We can sort out our value system far better than the non-Christian because we know the things that are of value in this life are not of value in the life-after. Thus this gives our life a certain freedom to be concerned not with materialism, but with the spiritual value of life, to be concerned about dying to self and living with, for and in Jesus Christ. There lies our investment and as Christians we inhabit the lands of our birth, but as temporary residents thereof; we take our share of all responsibilities as citizens and endure all disabilities as aliens. We pass our days upon earth, but our citizenship is in Heaven. The promise of heaven is not just some pie in the sky hope for us as our lives grow old, but you can be assured that those promises made by God, will be kept.


PRAYER: Father Lord help my Christian journey that I may never miss heaven


                                                        OMO IJOBA ORUN


“Sinu ogun aidibaje, ati ailabawon, ati eyi ti kii sa, ti a ti fi pamo li orun de nyin.” 1 Peteru 1:4


Nipa iribomi, a ti ka wa ye gege bi ero ijoba orun, nitorinaa, bi o tile je wipe lotito ni awa n gbe ni aye yii. Awa mo awon ohun ti o se pataki si wa ju awon alaigbagbo nitori a mo wipe awon ohun ti o se pataki ninu aye yii, ko jasi ere kankan ni orun. Nitorinaa, eyi ni ko je ki ohun aye yii ko kun wa loju, bikose ohun ti emi, lati di oku si ara, ki a si maa gbe pelu ati fun Jesu Kristi. Isura wa mbe ni orun, gege bi kristeni, awa ngbe ni aye gege bi atipo, a nse ojuse wa gege bi omo orile ede, a si n foriti awon ailera gege bii alejo. Awa nlo ojo wa ni aye, sugbon ilu ipinle wa mbe ni orun. Ileri ijoba orun kii se ohun ti ireti re daju fun wa bi a se n di agbalagba si, sugbon o daju wipe, awon ileri ti Olorun se, yio muse.

BIBELI KIKA: 1 Peteru 1

ADURA: Baba Oluwa, ran irin ajo igbagbo mi lowo, ki n mase kuna ijoba orun. Amin

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