“Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began” 2 Timothy 1:9

The covenant of grace is forever the same, because, first, the God who made it changes not. God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” God has never altered His purposes; He knoweth the end from the beginning; so His covenant, which He made with such deliberation in the councils of eternity, that covenant which is sealed with the most precious things He ever had, even with the blood of His only-begotten Son, that covenant upon which He stakes His eternal honour, for His glory and honour are wrapped up with the covenant of grace. Dearly beloved, there is nothing that He has done in the past that He can’t do again. The treasures of God are as full and running over now as they were at the beginning of the Christian age.

BIBLE READING: 2 Timothy 1

PRAYER: Lord, I enter into the covenant of grace, I receive my free salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.




“Eniti o gba wa, ti o si fi ipe mimo pe wa. Kiise gege bi ise wa, sugbon gege bi ipinu  ati ore- ofe tire, ti a fifun wa ninu Kristi Jesu lati ayeraye.” 2 Timotiu 1:9


Majemu oore-ofe je okan na titi lailai, nitoripe Olorun to da majemu naa o kii yipada. Olorun kii se eniyan ti yio fi paro, tabi omo eniyan ti yio fi ronu piwada. O ti soro, ki yio ha se bi? Tabi ki o soro ki o ma si mu se ? olorun kii yi ipinu re pada. O mo opin lati ibere, torina, majemu  ayeraye ti o fi eje iyebiye omo re nikan soso se edidi re, majemu , eyi ti o fi iyi ati ogo re sile fun, oun ni a fi majemu oore-ofe yiika.

Olufe, ko si oun tio  ti se seyin ti ko le tun se.  Awon isura Olorun ti o kun akunwosile , won  wa sibe bi won se wa lati atetekose.

BIBELI KIKA: 2 Timothy 1

ADURA: Oluwa, mo wo inu majemu oore-ofe, mo gba igbala ofe nipa gbigba Jesu Kristi gege bi Oluwa ati Olugbala.


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