Covenant Of Redemption

All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37

The covenant of redemption may be defined as the agreement between the Father, giving the Son as Head and Redeemer of the elect, and the Son, voluntarily taking the place of those whom the Father had given Him. Under this covenant, the Father plans redemption and sends the Son in order to save His people. The Son agrees to be sent and to do the work necessary to save the elect (John 10:17–18), and the Spirit agrees to apply the work of Christ to us by sealing us unto salvation (Eph. 1:13–14). As the last Adam Christ obtains eternal life for sinners in reward for faithful obedience, and not at all as an unmerited gift of grace. And what He has done as the Representative and Surety of all His people, they are no more in duty bound to do. The work has been done, the reward is merited, and believers are made partakers of the fruits of Christ’s accomplished work through grace.

BIBLE READING: Eph. 1:13–14, John 10:17–18

PRAYER: Let your death on the cross O Lord never go in vain over my life Amen


“Gbogbo ohun ti Baba fi fun mi ni yoo wa sodo mi; ẹniti o ba si to mi wá, emi kì yio taa nu bi o ti Wu kori.” Jòhánù 6:37

Majẹmu irapada le jẹ asọye bi adehun laarin Baba, fifun Ọmọ gẹgẹ bi Olori ati Olurapada ti awọn ayanfẹ, ati Ọmọ, ti o fi atinuwa gba aaye awọn ti Baba ti fi fun Un. Labẹ majẹmu yii, Ọlorun seto fun irapada o si ran Ọmọ re lati le gba awọn eniyan Rẹ la. Ọmọ gba lati jise ati lati ṣe iṣẹ ti o yẹ lati gba awọn ayanfẹ là (Johannu 10:17–18), Ẹmi si gba lati lo iṣẹ Kristi fun wa nipa didimu wa si igbala (Efesu 1:13–14). Gẹgẹbi Adam Kristi ti o kẹhin ti n gba iye ainipẹkun fun awọn ẹlẹṣẹ ni ere fun igbọran otitọ, ati pe kii ṣe rara gẹgẹbi ẹbun oore-ọfẹ ti ko yẹ. Ati pe ohun ti O ti ṣe gẹgẹ bi Aṣoju ati oniduro gbogbo awọn eniyan Rẹ, wọn ko si ni ọranyan mọ lati ṣe. Iṣẹ naa ti ṣe, ere naa jẹ ẹtọ, ati pe awọn onigbagbọ jẹ alabapin ninu awọn eso ti iṣẹ Kristi ti a pari nipasẹ oore-ọfẹ.

BIBELI KIKA: EFESU 1:13–14, Johannu 10:17–18

ADURA: Ma se Jeki iku re lori agbelebu lo lasan lori aye mi Amin

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