Divine Provision

“Speak now in the ears of the people, and let every man borrow of his neighbours’ jewels of silver and jewels of gold.” Exodus 11:2

In every provision of God for our lives, we should remember that the Lord’s portion is in it. When we refuse to release His portion, then there is trouble for us. We see this happen in Judah in the book of Haggai 1:6. For every God given assignment, He has already provided every resource needed to accomplish the task. The Bible told us about God telling His people via prophet Moses to bring an offering for the tabernacle. Where were they supposed to get silver and gold as they just came out of slavery? We should remember that just before they left Egypt, God told them to borrow jewels of gold and silver from the Egyptians. Ex. 11:2-3. This they did. However, God did not tell them the purpose for doing it. First reason is to compensate them for their labour in Egypt. Secondly, for the works of
the tabernacle. Here is the lesson, we should note that every increase we get as man is from the Lord. He allowed it to happen, for the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Also, for every assignment of God, there is a divine provision in place. We should not make mistake of claiming that we get it by our own power. Some will even give and still claim that the money is theirs. It is lack of understanding that will make you believe it is your money. The moment the money is sanctified, it ceases to be your own.

Lord, I trust that You shall supply my needs according to Your riches in Jesus name. Amen.
BIBLE READINGS: Exodus 25:1-8


“Wi nisisiyi li eti awon eniyan wonyi, ki olukuluku okunrin ki o bere lodo aladugbo re ati olukuluku obirinlodo aladugbo re, oun elo fadaka, ati oun elo wura.” Eksodu 11:2

Ninu gbogbo ipese Olorun fun aye wa, a ni lati ranti wipe ipin ti Olorun wa ninu re, ti a ba ko lati jowo ipin tire, o lewu fun wa. A ri eyi tio sele ni judah ninu iwe Haggai 1:6. Ti Olorun baran eniyan nise, o ti pese oun ti yio nilo lati fi se ise naa. Bibeli so fun wa bi Olorun se so fun awon eniyan nipase Mose wipe ki won mu ore wa fun tempili. Nibo ni ki won ti ri wura ati fadaka? Awon ti won sese jade kuro ninu oko eru. A ni lati ranti wipe, ki won to kuro ni Egipti, Olorun so fun won wipe ki won gba wura ati fadaka lowo awon ara egipti. Ex. 11:2-3. Won si se eyi. Sugbon Olorun o so idi re fun won. Idi akoko ni wipe ki o le je ere won fun ise won ni ile Egpti. Idi keji ni fun ise tempili. Eko ti o wa nibe ni eyi, a ni lati mo wipe gbogbo ibukun ti a ba ri, o wa lati odo Olorun. O gbaa laye lati sele ni, nitori wipe ti oluwa ni ile ati ekun re. Fun gbogbo ise ti Oluwa ba ran wa, ipese lati orun wa nibe. A ko gbodo se asise lati maa ro wipe nipa agbara wa ni afi nse. Ti awon miran ba fun ni lowo, won a tun maa so wipe owo awon ni. Aini oye lo ma n je ki eniyan so wipe owo oun ni. Nigba ti a ba ti ya owo si mimo, kiise tire mo.

Oluwa, mo gbagbo pe Iwo yoo pese fun aini mi gege bi oro re ni oruko Jesu.
BIBELI KIKA: Eksodu 25:1-8

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