“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalms 46:1

As human beings, we pride ourselves on being the only species that understands the concept of risk. Yet we have a confounding habit of worrying about mere possibilities while ignoring probabilities – of building barricades against perceived dangers while leaving ourselves exposed to real ones. It’s one thing to face a challenge, but to face it all alone? Isolation creates a downward cycle of fret.” God is not a mere spectator in your life. He cares about you in the dark times and when things are going well in your life. God in His infinite wisdom has a greater plan than what we can’t see right now. A plan designed to challenge us. A plan specifically designed to grow us up in Him. A plan that makes each of us aware that we too have a spirit of tenacity like Nehemiah. A spirit, that doesn’t give up easily, a spirit that will go the distance in the face of life’s challenges.


PRAYER: Grant me the spirit that doesn’t give up easily O LORD




“Olorun ni abo ati agbara wa, lowolowo iranlowo ninu iponju” Psalm 46.1

Gegebi eniyan, a ma n lero wipe awa nikan la mo oun ti ewu je. A si ma nse aniyan fun oun ti ko daju pe yio sele, a ko si ni bikita lati da abo bo ara wa fun awon ewu ti o le sele. Oun kan ni lati do ju ko isoro, sugbon ki a maa dojuko o nikan soso? Didawa ma n mu iberu bojo wa. Olorun kiise oluworan ninu aye re. o bikita fun wa ni igba ti o dara ati igba ti ko dara. Olorun ninu oye ailopin re, o ni  eto ti o ga  ju oun ti a le ri bayi.  Eto yi je ki a mo wipe awa naa ni emi bi ti Nehemiah. Emi ti nkan kii tete su. Emi ti yio farada ni igba ti isoro aye ba wa.


ADURA: Oluwa, Fun mi ni emi ti nkan kii tete su.


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