Hinderances To God’s Promise (Attitude)



“Wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies and all evil  speaking.” 1 Peter 2:1 

All the promises of God in Jesus are yea and amen to the Glory of God (Corinthians 1:20)  Truly, some people of God received God’s promise, but they never allowed it to come to  fulfilment due to their bad attitudes and behaviours. The above scripture emphasises bad  attitudes, that we must do away with. We must be holy, serve God diligently, be focused and  have the fruit of the Spirit in place of the works of the flesh. Through the power of love, joy,  peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, the power of  malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil talk will be silenced.  

In the Bible days, we read that God sent messages of covenant to our fathers of Faith  and they received them with joy. In this generation, we are enjoying another grace by the  power of the Holy Spirit through people. Just imagine that God sent someone you despise to  you to deliver His message of joy, would you turn away and lose it all? Let us be renewed and  cautious in all our ways and amend them before the Lord, and you will testify to His goodness  sooner than you expect, for our God is a Covenant-keeping God. 


Lord, I know that my attitude can dictate my altitude in life. I pray that you release upon me  good attitude that will help to fulfill Your promises concerning me in Jesus Name. Amen. BIBLE READINGS: Galatians 5:16-23 



Nitorina, e fi arankan gbogbo lele li apakan ati etan gbogbo, ati agabagebe, ati ilara, ati  siso oro buburu gbogbo. 1 Peteru 2:1 

Gbogbo awon ileri Olorun ninu Jesu, ninu re ni beeni ati amin si ogo Olorun. (II Korinti  1:20). Nitooto, awon omo Olorun kan ri ileri gba, sugbon ti won ko fi aye sile fun ileri naa lati wa  si imuse nitori iwa ati ise buburu owo won. Ese bibeli ti a ka yii n soro nipa awon iwa buburu,  eyiti a gbodo ko sile ki ileri Olorun ba le wa si imuse ninu aye wa. A ni lati je mimo gege bi Baba  wa ti n be ni orun ti je mimo, sin Olorun tokantokan, ni afojusun, ki o si ni awon eso ti emi dipo  awon ise ti ara. Nipa agbara ife, ayo, alaafia, suuru, isoore, isotito, iwa pele ati ikora eni ni ijanu,  agbara odi lilo, etan, agabagebe, ilara, ati gbogbo oro buburu ni a o pa lenu mo. 

Ninu Bibeli, a ri ka wipe Olorun ran Angeli lati lo jise majemu fun awon baba wa ninu  igbagbo, won si fi ayo gba won. Sugbon ni iran yii, awa n je oore ofe lati inu majemu titun ti n  sise nipa agbara Emi Mimo. Tile roo wo wipe bi Olorun ba ran eniti iwo korira si o lati mu ihin  ayo to o wa, nje wa kuro ki o si padanu? E je ki a di otun ki a si maa kiyesara ni gbogbo ona wa ki  a si maa tun won se niwaju Oluwa. Iwo yio si jeri si ire re ju bi o ti lero lo. Nitori Olorun ti n mu  majemu se ni Olorun wa. 


Oluwa, mo mo wipe iwa mi le se okunfa bi n o se ga to laye, mo gbadura wipe ki o jowo iwa rere  fun mi ti yio ran mi lowo to bee ti ileri re fun mi yio fi wa si imuse ni Oruko Jesu. Amin

BIBELI KIKA: Galatia 5:16-23 

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