How To Handle Temptation

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13.

The Lord did not speak when the devil tempted Him in the bush without first declaring, “It is written.” Matthew 4:1–25 (See it.) Jesus was aware that the authority of God’s Word rendered Satan powerless. The spiritual armour of the Christian is described in Ephesians 6 as God’s protection for His children in the face of opposition from the devil. The majority of the armour is defensive gear; the Bible, which is the only offensive weapon available to us in spiritual combat, is the sword of the Spirit. But because you can’t remember to do what you don’t know, it’s critical to spend daily time with the heavenly Father, studying Scripture, and internalising its principles. Start daily “putting on” of the Lord’s armour. Consider meditating on Ephesians 6:10–17 in the morning. Additionally, avoid situations that increase your likelihood of succumbing to a particular sin if you suffer with it. To the point that you might even benefit from having an honest and trustworthy accountability partner. These actions assist us in fending off Satan, who, according to the Bible, will run from the presence of God’s Word.

Oh Lord, give me the grace to tackle that Devil with your word during the time of temptation, Amen.
BIBLE READINGS:  Ephesians 6:10-17


Kò sí ìdanwò kankan tí ó dé bá yín bí kò e irú èyí tí ó wọ́po fún ènìyàn; ùgbọ́n olóòótọ́ ni Ọlọ́run, ẹni tí kì yóò jẹ́ kí a dán yín wò  kọjá igbagbo yin ùgbọ́n pelú ìdanwò náà yóò e onà abayo pelú, kí eyin lè farada á. 1 Kọ́ríńtì 10:13.

Oluwa ko soro nigba ti esu dan an wo ninu agunju Lai Koko pa a lase pe “A ti ko”. Matiu 4:1-25 (Wo o.) Jesu mo pe ọla ase oro Ọlọrun sọ Satani di alailagbara. Ihamọra ẹmi ti Onigbagbọ jẹ apejuwe ninu Efesu 6 gẹgẹbi aabo Ọlọrun fun awọn ọmọ Rẹ ni oju atako lati ọdọ eṣu. Awọn opolopo ninu ihamọra ni ohun elo idabobo eyi ti n se Bibeli, eyiti o jẹ ohun ija ibinu nikan ti o wa fun wa ni ija ti ẹmi, ni idà Ẹmi. Ṣugbọn nitori pe o ko le ranti lati ṣe ohun ti o ko mọ, o ṣe pataki lati lo akoko ojoojumọ pẹlu Baba ọrun, kika iwe-mimọ, ati sise amulo awọn ilana rẹ. Bẹrẹ lojoojumọ lati ma di ihamọra Ọlọrun. Gbé àṣàrò lórí Éfésù 6:10–17 ní òwúro. Ni afikun, yago fun awọn ipo ti o mu ki o ṣeeṣe ki o ṣubu si ẹṣẹ ti o si le fa ijiya fun o. Titi Debi pe, o tun le je anfaani nipa nini ore ododo ti o se e fokan tan. Awọn iwa wọnyi ṣe iranlọwọ fun wa lati le Satani sehin, eniti o je wipe bi bibeli ti kowe re, yio sa nigba ti o ba gbo Oro oluwa.

Oluwa, fun mi ni oore-ofe lati fi oro re dojuko esu ni akoko idanwo, Amin.
BIBELI KIKA: Éfésù 6:10-17

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