“Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7


The scripture above illustrates that there is an end to life on earth. The body returns to the earth and the spirit to God who gave it. Those who do not believe that there is another life after death should know that when life ends on earth the soul appears before God for judgment. For it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Those who have the liberty to rejoice are the born again Christians because they have passed life on earth and have attained eternal life. They are judged for rewards but the unbeliever is judged unto damnation because he did not believe in Christ Jesus. Let us live in this world with the mindset that one day we will give account to God of our stewardship. The almighty God has made Jesus Christ the Judge to judge the living and the dead. Nobody can avoid Christ Jesus; everyone will appear before Him for the final judgment.

BIBLE READING: Ecclesiastes 12

PRAYER: Help my spiritual journey to your Kingdom O Lord



“Nigbanaa ni erupe yio pada si ile bi o ti wa ri, emi yio si pada to Olorun ti o fii funni.” Oniwaasu 12:7


Eko ti a kaa ni se alaye wipe opin wa fun gbigbe ninu aye. Ara yio pada di erupe, emi yio si pada si odo Olorun, eniti o fi fun wa. Ki awon ti ko gbagbo wipe aye miran mbe lehin iku mo wipe bi emi ba pin ni aye yii, yio farahan niwaju Olorun fun idajo. Nitoriti a ti fi lele fun eniyan, lati ku leekan, leyin re, idajo ni (Heberu 9:27). Awon ti yio ni anfani lati yo ni awon Kristeni ti o di atunbi, nitoriti won ti yege ni aye, nwon si ti jogun iye ayeraye. A da won lejo rere sugbon awon alaigbagbo ni yio gba idalebi nitori pe won ko gbagbo ninu Kristi Jesu. E je ki a maa gbe ninu aye yii pelu ero okan wipe a o lo jihin ise wa fun Olorun. Olorun ti fi Jesu Kristi se Onidajo lati se idajo awon alaaye ati oku. Ko si eni ti o le yera fun Jesu Kristi, olukuluku ni yio farahan niwaju Re fun idajo.

BIBELI KIKA: Oniwasu 12

ADURA: Ran irin ajo igbagbo mi si ijoba re lowo, Oluwa, Amin.


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