MAY 15 SUN 2022 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away;  behold, all things have become new 2 Cor 5:17 NKJV 

Many Christians profess the confession of faith. Reason for this is to consolidate the  faith in God. Our belief is our faith and being called a child of God is not just professing but in  acting. What helps a Christian is acting out his/her faith. 

Being new in Christ means living a fulfilled Christian life that portrays you as a child of  God. However, many Christians have a two- sided character, changing like chameleons as the  occasion dictates for them.  

New life in Christ exhibits good virtue of love, joy, peace, gentleness, patient etc as  enumerated in Galatians 5:22- 23.  

But, adultery, selfish ambition, wickedness etc, are the old ways of life that exhibit the  works of the flesh.  

If there is any persistent willful sins, pray towards overcoming this persistence.  Psalm 19: 13, says, “Clear me from willful sins…”, if not, they can lead your life towards  destruction. 


Lord, as you have created me newly, help me to remain steadfast in you. 

BIBLE READINGS: Ephesians 4: 22-24, Isaiah 43:18-19 



Nitorina, bi enikeni ba wa ninu Kristi, o di eda titun, oun atijo ti kojalo, kiyesi, won si di  titun. 2 Cor 5:17 

Opolopo Kristeni ni o nse ijewo igbagbo, idi eyi ni lati fi idi igbagbo mule ninu Olorun .  oun ti a Gbagbo ni igbagbo wa, ati jije omo Olorun kiise nipa siso sugbon nipa iwa. Kilo faa ti  Kristeni fi nwu iwa ti ko si ninu igbagbo re? 

Jije titun ninu Kristi tunmo si wipe gbigbe igbe aye Kristeni to kun oju osuwon, ti fi o han  gegebi omo Olorun. Opo Kristeni lo ni iwa oloju meji, ti won a si maa yi pada bi Ooga lati bai bi  ti won wa mu. 

Aye titun ninu Kristi fi awon eso rere han bi ife, ayo, Alafia, irele, suuru ati bebelo bi a se  fi han ninu Galatia 5:22-23. Sugbon agbere, imo tara eni nikan, iwa ika ati bebelo je igbe aye  atijo ti o nfi ise eran ara han. 

Gbadura lati bori ese ti ko fe lo. Ps 19: 13 so wipe we mi kuro ninu ese ikugbu…… bi  beko, won yio mu aye re lo si iparun. 


Oluwa, gegebi o ti se dami ni otun, ranmi lowo lati duro sinsin ninu re. 

BIBELI KIKA: Efesu 4: 22-24, Isaiah 43:18-19 

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