The Inseparable Bond

“Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39

The source of Christian comfort is not that we are for God or that we are on His side. Rather it is that God is for us and is on our side. To know that God is for us is to know that no one and nothing can ever prevail against us. Of course, this does not mean that the Christian will have no enemies. On the contrary, we will be surrounded by enemies. Multitudes will set themselves against us. But these enemies have no chance to destroy us when God has bound Himself to us. There is
someone who wants all the troubles in life to separate us from Christ’s love. That individual is the devil. Satan wants to separate us from our Saviour and His love. And he uses the troubles of our lives to try to accomplish this. He knows he cannot actually separate us from Christ and His love, but he delights in accomplishing that at least in our minds so we think we have been taken away from the love of Christ. There are troubles of life that make life seem not worth living. Family strife, crime, corruption, losing possessions, wicked deeds of men, every earthly distress. But life with all its ups and downs, life with its good times and bad, is powerless to cause separation between us and the love of Christ. Dearly beloved, as believers if we are separated from the love of Christ, we lose everything. We lose our salvation. We lose our forgiveness. We lose our hope of life in heaven. We lose our confidence that all things work for our good. If we lose the love of Christ, we have nothing left.

O Lord hold me with your right hand of righteousness, to prevent been separated from You. In Jesus name, Amen.

BIBLE READINGS: Matthew 26: 26-30; Romans 8:35-39

“Tabi oke, tabi ogbun, tabi eda miran kan ni yio le ya wa kuro ninu ife Olorun ti o wa ninu Kristi Jesu Oluwa wa.” Romu 8:39

Orisun itunnu fun Kristeni kii se wipe a je ti Olorun tabi toripe a wa ni iha re bikose wipe Olorun je tiwa, On si wa nipa tiwa. Bi a ba mo wipe Oluwa wa nipa tiwa, a o mo wipe ko si eni, tabi ohun kan ti o le bori wa. Eyi ko tunmo si wipe Kristeni ki yio ni ota, ota yio yi wa ka. Opolopo yio dide si wa, sugbon awon yii ki yio le run wa niwon bi a ti sowa po pelu Olorun. Enikan wa ti o fe fi awon aniyan ati isoro aye yii ya wa kuro ninu ife Kristi, eni naa ni esu. Satani fe ya wa kuro lodo Olugbala wa ati ife re. o si n lo isoro aye lati se eyi. Omo wipe on ko le ya wa nipa kuro lodo Kristi ati ife re, sugbon yio maa lo ero okan wa, ki a le ro wipe a ti yawa kuro ninu ife Kristi. Awon isoro aye kan wa ti nmu ki aye sunni, wahala ninu ebi, ese, iwa buburu, ipadanu ohun ini, iwa ika omo eniyan. Sugbon aye yii pelu oke ati petele re, igba ire ati ti ibi ko lagbara lati yawa kuro ninu ife Kristi. Olufe, gege bi onigbagbo, bi a ba yawa kuro ninu ife Kristi, a padanu ohun gbogbo. A padanu igbala, a padanu idariji, a padanu ireti ayeraye ni orun, a padanu ifokanbale wipe ohun gbogbo sise po fun rere. Bi a ba padanu ife Kristi, ko si ohun ti o ku fun wa mo.

Oluwa, fi owo otun ododo re di mi mu, ki a ma baa ya mi kuro lodo re, loruko Jesu. Amin

BIBELI KIKA: Matteu 26: 26-30; Romans 8:35-39

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