“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” 1 Timothy 2:5

God came in human form that He might establish kinship with us for the purpose of relating to us so that he might restore our relationship with Him, which we lost through sin. We have proof of Christ’s humanity first of all, He was really a man, a human with all the emotions and feelings that go with that. Jesus loved his fellow man and was saddened by the prospect of their damnation. As God, He had determined to save the elect and them only. He is filled with sorrow when He thinks of the destruction that will come upon the unbelieving souls. Our Lord, being God, could look at men and identify them as elect and non-elect, but He preached the gospel to all. Having preached the Gospel, He wept over those who remained in unbelief. Jesus’ knowledge of and compliance with the will of God to save some and not others did not keep Him from weeping over those who would not believe.

BIBLE READING: 1 Timothy 2

PRAYER: Lord, I believe and receive your salvation.




“Nitori Olorun kan ni nbe, onilaja kan pelu laarin Olorun ati enia, oun papa enia, ani Kristi Jesu.” 1 Timoteu 2:5

Olorun wa ni awo eniyan ki o le fi idi ibatan pelu wa mule, ki ibase wa pelu olorun le pada bo si ipo, eyi ti a sonu nipa ese. Eri wa wipe Kristi wa ni awo eniyan , o si ni iriri gege bi eniyan. Jesu ni ife awon eniyan bii tire, o si baa ninu je wipe won fe segbe. Gege bi Olorun, o pinu lati gba awon ayanfe la. O kun fun ibanuje nigba ti o ba ronu nipa iparun tio nbo lori awon okan alaigbagbo.

Oluwa wa gege bi Olorun mo awon ayanfe ati awon ti kii se ayanfe, sugbon o waasu ihinrere fun won. Lehin ti o waasu , o sun ekun fun awon ti ko lati Gbagbo.

Jesu ni imo nipa eto Olorun lati gba awon kan, ki o si fi awon kan sile, sugbon eyi ko dii lowo lati ma kedun fun awon ti o ko lati Gbagbo

BIBELI KIKA: 1 Timoteu 2

ADURA: Gbagbo loni , ki o si ri igbala.


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