“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” James 1:2-4

We are not in the race with the world, our goal is making heaven and taking as many people as possible with us and in this journey, everyone of us will face one trial or the other. Our Lord Jesus Christ faced many trials and so are the apostles of old, whatever you are going through don’t forget that Jesus Christ is with you. He said, there are things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace, in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33. Trials should not make you to be embarrassed of your standing in God, remember all things work together for good of them that love the Lord. Trials may be for discipline in order for us not to miss our goals and heaven. John15:2. At times, God allows us to grow and become a pro and master, like the case of brother Job and Joseph. Romans 8:18. Trials are part of God’s work, in proving God abilities or powers in display. And by so doing we depend more on God.

BIBLE READING: Isaiah 40:31

PRAYER: Dear Lord make me a soldier of the gospel and help me in time of trials.



“Ẹyìn ará mí, nigbati ẹyìn bá bọ sinu oniruru idanwò, ẹ ka gbogbo rẹ sí ayọ. Ki ẹ sí mọ pe, idanwo ìgbàgbọ́ yín nṣiṣe súú ru. Ṣugbọn ẹ jẹ ki sūru kí o ṣe iṣẹ aṣepe, kí ẹyìn kì o le jẹ pipe àti ailabukù, ki o ma ku ohun kàn fún ẹnikẹ́ni.” Jakọbu 1:2-4


A ko wa ninu ere-ije pẹlu agbaye, afojusun wa ni  lati de ọrun, ki a sí mu ọpọlọpọ eniyan dání pẹlú wa; ninu irin-ajo yi gbogbo wa ni yíó dojuko idanwo kan tabi ekeji. Oluwa wa Jesu Kristi koju ọpọlọpọ adanwo ati awọn aposteli igbani, ohunkohun ti iwọ ba dojukọ laye, mase gbagbe pe Jesu Kristi wa pelu re.  Ó ní, “Àwọn nǹkan kan wà tí mo ti sọ fún yín, kí ẹ lè ní alaafia, ninu ayé, ẹ óo ní ìpọ́njú, ṣugbọn ẹ túju ká, mo ti ṣẹgun ayé. Jòhánù 16:33. Awọn adanwo ko gbọdọ jẹ ki o tiju iduro rẹ ninu Ọlọrun, ranti pé ohun gbogbo ṣiṣe papọ fun rere fún awon ti o fẹràn Oluwa. Idanwo le wà, boya fun ibawi tabi omiiran fun lati padanu afojusun wa  ati lati dé ọ̀run. Johannu 15:2. Nigba miiran, Ọlọrun gba wa laaye lati dagba ki a si di ọga, bíi ti Jobu ati Josẹfu (Romu 8:18). Idanwo jẹ apakan  ninu iṣẹ Ọlọrun, ni fifi ipá àti agbara Ọ̀lọrun hàn. Ati nipa ṣiṣe bẹẹ a gbẹkẹle Ọlọrun diẹ sii.

BIBELI KIKA: Isaiah 40:31

ADURA: Oluwa sọ mi di ọmọ ogun ihinrere, ki o si ran mi lọwọ ni akoko idanwo. Àmín

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