True Worship

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“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23

True worship is not a spectator sport but entails standing before the Holy One of eternity to experience change. If worship does not change us, we have not truly worshipped.” Worship isn’t the work of the pastor or the work of the worship leaders; it’s the duty of every individual. David knew how to worship! He worshiped with his whole being—he poured out the deep, passionate love he had for God, with all his heart, soul, mind and strength. (2 Samuel 6). True worship is a daily dance before the Lord, when we rise in the morning; we should worship God, at work, school or play, we are to worship God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. True worship is to let the power of the living God, live in us. When we truly worship God, then our lives, will preach the Gospel, reflect our worship and embody our love for God and men. The Lord will use us to reap a great harvest of souls!


PRAYER: Deposit in me the spirit of true worship O Lord Amen


“Ṣugbọn wakati mbọ, o si de tan nisisiyi, nigbati awọn olusin otitọ yio ma sìn Baba li ẹmi ati li otitọ: nitori irú wọn li Baba nfẹ ki o mã sìn on.” Jòhánù 4:23

Ìjọsìn tòótọ́ kì í ṣe eré ìdárayá kan ṣùgbọ́n ó wé mọ́ dídúró níwájú Ẹni Mímọ́ ti ayérayé láti ní ìrírí ìyípadà. Bí ìjọsìn kò bá yí wa padà, a kò jọ́sìn tòótọ́.” Ìjọsìn kì í ṣe iṣẹ́ ajihinrere tàbí iṣẹ́ àwọn aṣáájú ìjo, o jẹ ojuse ti olukuluku. Dáfídì mọ bí a ṣe ń jọ́sìn! Ó jọ́sìn pelú gbogbo Ara re, ó tú ìjìnle, ìfẹ́ onítara tí ó ní fún Ọlọ́run jáde, pelú gbogbo ọkàn, èrò inú àti agbára re. (2 Samuẹli 6). Ìjọsìn tòótọ́ jẹ́ ijó ojoojúmọ́ níwájú Olúwa. Nígbà tí a bá dìde ní òwúro, a gbodo sin Olorun, ni ibi ise, ile iwe tabi ibi ise ere, a gbodo sin Olorun pelu gbogbo okan ati agbara wa. Ijọsin otitọ ni lati jẹ ki agbara Ọlọrun alãye, gbe inu wa. Nigba ti a ba sin Ọlọrun nitootọ, lẹhinna igbesi aye wa, yoo waasu Ihinrere, ṣe afihan isin wa ati fi ifẹ wa fun Ọlọrun ati eniyan ni kikun. Oluwa yoo lo wa lati se ikore nla ti ọkàn!


ADURA: Fi ẹmi isin otitọ sinu mi Oluwa Amin

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