Voice Of Conscience

“Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:” 1 Timothy 1:5

Conscience is the voice of God in the soul. Our conscience is a gift from God that is not to be taken lightly. A good, godly, sensitive, healthy conscience leads to a good, godly sensitive, healthy life before the world. The problem with the voice of our conscience, is that we live in a world and inhabit bodies infected by sin, which can change or damage our conscience, or inner voice. Our conscience can be weakened, dulled, and dimmed by the sin that we tolerate in our lives. When we sin, refusing to acknowledge it as such, it soils or defiles our conscience. Every child of God has a duty, a responsibility, to constantly shape, monitor, and maintain his or her conscience. To re-sharpen our conscience, God has given us His written Word, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit, to coach and guide us in such a way that we may be able to quickly ‘prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

BIBLE READING: 1 Timothy 4:2, Hebrew 10:22

PRAYER: Order my steps O Lord that I may be worthy to stand boldly in your presence


“Nisinsinyi opin ofin ni ifẹ lati inu ọkan-aya mimo, ati ti ẹri-ọkan rere, ati ti igbagbọ́ aisotan:” 1 Timoteu 1:5

Eri Okan je ohun Olọrun ninu ọkàn. Erí ọkàn wa je ebùn látodo Ọlorun tí a kò gbodo fi ọwọ́ yẹpẹrẹ mú. Eri okan ti o dara, oniwa-bi-Ọlọrun, ti o ni imọlara, ẹri-ọkan ti o ni ilera pipe ni o yori si igbesi-aye rere, oniwa-bi-Ọlọrun, igbesi-aye rere. Iṣoro ti a ni pẹlu eri-ọkan wa ni pe a ngbe ni Inu aye to Kun fun ese ti o le ba erí-ọkàn wa je. Eṣe tá a fàyè gbà nínú ìgbésí ayé wa lè ba Okan wa je tàbí ki o mu Okan wa rewesi.Nígbà tí a bá deṣe tí a ko láti gbà pé a dese, ó máa ń sọ erí ọkàn wa di ẹlegbin. Gbogbo ọmọ Ọlọrun ni ojuṣe kan lati ṣe nigbagbogbo Lati ma a ṣe abojuto ati Lati maa ṣetọju ẹri-ọkan rẹ. Láti tun erí ọkàn wa se. Ọlorun ti fún wa ní Oro re tí a kọ síle ninu bíbélì, àti Emí Mímo, láti kowa àti láti to wa sonà lonà tí a ó fi lè tètè mo ohun tí ó dára tí ó sì ṣe ìtewogbà, tí ó sì je ìfe Olorun.

BIBELI KIKA: 1 Tímótì 4:2, Hébérù 10:22

ADURA: Maa to isise mi Oluwa ki n le ye lati duro pelú igboya niwaju Re

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