“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Waiting on the Lord may be one of the most difficult aspects of the Christian life. Waiting is not just something we have to do while we get what we want. Waiting is the process of becoming what God wants us to be. What God does in us while we wait is as important as what it is we are waiting for. Waiting, biblical waiting, is not a passive waiting around for something to happen that will allow us to escape our troubles nor a way to evade unpleasant reality. Waiting is hard work and, at times, can even test our faith. Desires we long for, prayers we’ve been praying, and news we’re waiting to hear can tempt us to be impatient, discouraged, to worry, and even to wonder if God cares. We can wait for the Lord knowing that, no matter how dark the night is, his light will breakthrough in our lives, bringing abundant joy through a more intimate relationship with Christ.


PRAYER: Grant me the strength and the spirit to wait upon you Heavenly Father, Amen



“Sugbon awon to ba duro de Oluwa yio tun agbara won se. won o fi iye gun oke bi idi, nwon o sare ki yio si re won, nwon o rin are ki yio si mu won.” Isaiah 40:31

Diduro de Oluwa le je oun ti o nira ninu igbe aye onigbagbo. Diduro kii se oun ti a maa se nigba ti a ba nfe oun kan .  Diduro je ona ti a ngba lati je oun ti Olorun fe ki a je. Oun ti Olorun nse ninu aye wa nigba ti a ba nduro,  o se Pataki bii oun ti a nduro fun. Diduro ni ilana ti bibeli kii se wipe ki a maa duro ki nkan sele ti yio mu wa sa fun isoro tabi yera fun isele ti ko dun mo wa.

Diduro je ise ti o le, o si le dan igbagbo wa wo. Awon oun ti a nfe, adura ti a ti ngba ati irohin ti a fe gbo, le dan wa wo lati ma ma ni suuru, lati so ireti nu ki a si maa lero wipe Olorun ko bikita.

A le duro de Oluwa nigba ti a mo wipe , bi okukun tile wa, imole re yio tan si aye wa, ti yio si mu opolopo ayo wa pelu ibasepo pelu Olorun ti o dara.

BIBELI KIKA: Isaiah 40

ADURA: Fun mi ni agbara ati emi lati duro de o Olorun Orun. Amin


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