“But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. I praise God for what he has  promised. I trust God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?”  Psalm 56:3-4 NLT 

There are many times in our lives that we face trials and challenging situations that can  be very overwhelming and can cause us to be afraid. The psalmist made it clear in this chapter  like many other chapters he wrote that the only way to overcome fear when we are troubled by  the situations around us is to trust in the Lord and to remember His promises towards us. How  easy should this or can this be? Many of us believers tend to take up fear and allow it to  dominate our hearts instead of u simply trusting in the Lord, that He alone can deliver us from  every problem we face, no matter how big and difficult it might look! 

Remember His promises in Isaiah 43:2- “when you pass through the waters, I will be  with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk  through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze”. 

So whatever situation you may be facing today, remember not to allow fear to takeover. Simply put your trust in the Lord and keep His promises to your heart! 


Lord, I choose to trust You over every situation in my life and I thank you for your promises and  I know that I am an overcomer in Jesus name. Amen. 

BIBLE READINGS: Gen: 6-12; Exodus 14:11-16, Joshua 1:8-9 



“Nigbati eru ba nba mi, emi o gbekele o. Nipa Olorun ni emi o ma yin oro re, Olorun li emi  o gbeke mi le, emi ki yio beru: kili Eran ara le se si mi. Orin Dafidi 56:3-4 Opo igba ninu aye wa ni a n ni idojuko ati idanwo ti o po jojo ti o si mu iberu bojo wa.  Iwe orin Dafidi ti a ka ni bere fi ye wa kedere pe ona ti a le gba bori idojuko ni lati ni igbekele  ninu Oluwa ati ki a ranti awon ileri re si wa. 

Bawo ni eyi se d’erun si? Opo onigbagbo ni o maa ngba iberu laaye lati bori okan won;  dipo ki won ni igbagbo ninu Oluwa’ ti o le gba won ninu ohun gbogbo ti o dojuko won, bi o ti wu  ki o tobi, tabi le to. 

Ranti ileri Re ninu iwe woli Isaiah 43:2 ti o wipe “Nigbati iwo ba nla omi koja, emi o pelu  re; ati larin odo, nwon ki yio bo o mole: nigbati iwo ba nrin ninu ina, ki yio jo o, beeni owo ina ki  yio ran o.” 

Nidi eyi, ohun kohun ti o ba ndojuko ranti lati ma gba iberu laaye, fi igbekele re sinu  Oluwa; ki o si pa ileri re mo si aya re. 


Oluwa mo yan lati gbekele o lori awon isoro inu aye mi; mo dupe fun awon ileri re, mo si mo pe  asegun ni mi ni Oruko Jesu.  

BIBELI KIKA: Gen: 6-12; Exodus 14:11-16, Joshua 1:8-9 

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