What You Behold

“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Cor. 3:18 (KJV)

As believers, what we behold is important because such can either have a positive or negative impact on us. To crown it all, you become what you behold. If we behold Christ, we become Christ like, however, if we behold mammon, we will get carried away by the things of this world and subject ourselves under the leadership of the devil. How do you know what you behold? You know this by what you give your time and attention to. The Bible says where your treasure is, that is where your heart will be. Let us have our hearts checked . What is the major thing that fills your thought daily? Is it possibility or impossibility? Is it the cares of the world or the beautiful promises in God’s word? If we permit our heart to behold things outside God, we will get carried away, lose focus of God’s plan for us which might probably lead to frustration, depression and Eternal condemnation. The beauty of beholding Christ and letting him fill our heart is that we will get transformed. By beholding his word, we will become a better person and solution providers to situations. All in all, we will become a blessing to ourselves and others at large. Behold the Trinity completely.

BIBLE READING: 2 Corinthians 3 : 14 – 18

PRAYER: Father, help me to continually behold you as I journey on in life. Amen.


“Ṣùgbọ́n gbogbo wa n wo ogo Oluwa laisi iboju, bi enipe ninu awo jiji a si pawada si aworan kan naa Lati ogo de ogo ani Lati odo Oluwa ti n se emi. 2 Kọ́r. 3:18 (KJV).

Gẹgẹbi awọn onigbagbọ, ohun ti a rii ṣe pataki nitori iru bẹ le ni ipa rere tabi buburu lori wa. Ju gbogbo re lo, iwo yi o je ohun ti o ba rii. Ti a ba wo Kristi, a dabi Kristi, sibẹsibẹ, ti a ba rii mammoni, a o ba aye lo nipa oun meremere aye yi, a o si tẹriba fun idari Eṣu. Bawo ni o ṣe mọ ohun ti o rii? O mọ eyi nipasẹ ohun ti o n fi akoko ati okan rẹfun. Bíbélì sọ pé ibi tí ìṣúra rẹ wà, ibe ni ọkàn rẹ yóò wà. Jẹ ki a ṣayẹwo ọkan wa. Kini ohun pataki ti o kun ero rẹ lojoojumọ? Ṣe o ṣeeṣe tabi ko ṣeeṣe? Ṣé àníyàn ayé ni àbí àwọn ìlérí ẹlẹ́wà tó wà nínú Oro Ọlọ́run? Tí a bá jẹ́ kí ọkàn wa rí àwọn nǹkan ti ko si ninu Olọ́run, okan wa yio sakolo, a ó pàdánù ìfojúsùn ètò Ọlọ́run fún wa tí ó lè yọrí sí ìjákule, ìbanuje àti ìdálẹ́bi ayérayé. Ẹwa ti wiwo Kristi ati jije ki o kun ọkan wa ni pe a yoo yipada. Nipa wiwo ọrọ rẹ, a yoo di eniyan ti o dara julọ ati awọn olupese ojutu si awọn isoro wa. Ju gbogbo re lo, a yoo di ibukun fun ara wa ati awọn miiran ni bi gbogbo. Ma wo Mẹtalọkan patapata.

BIBELI KIKA: 2 Kọ́ríńtì 3:14-18

ADURA: Baba, ràn mí lọ́wọ́ láti ma a wo o nígbà gbogbo bí mo ṣe ń lọ nínú ìgbésí ayé. Amin.

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