When You Backslide, You Give God Heartache

“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he finds it” Luke 15:3-7

In the Bible reading for today, the Lord asked if there was anyone who would not go after one lost sheep even if they still had a flock of ninety-nine in their care. If we review this scenario described by our Lord Jesus a little more closely, we would realise that the shepherd would only get to know of the missing sheep when he counts them at night, just before he rests for the day. The story in our text tells us that, until He finds that missing sheep, the Shepherd would not rest. The story is even deeper than that. Luke 15:7 tells us that there is rejoicing in heaven when one sinner repents. Each time somebody gets born again, there is sorrow in hell because the devil has lost somebody, so the devil pursues that fellow with the intention of bringing him back into his company. Each time a Christian backslides, there is rejoicing in the camp of the devil. Here is an illustration: If you used to be an unbeliever, constantly at the bar drinking with many friends, then got born again, your former drinking partners would begin to avoid you because your life would now become a challenge to them. Can you then imagine what would happen if one day they suddenly saw you back at the bar they would shout for joy and drink more than they normally do that day. Each time a
Christian backslides, he or she would make the devil celebrate and bring displeasure to God. In what ways have you been causing Jesus heartache. Repent today and commit to only bring Him joy henceforth.

O Lord do not allow the devil to make me cause you any displeasure in Jesus name Amen.

BIBLE READINGS: Luke 15: 1-32

“Okunrin wo ni ninu yin, ti o ni ogorun agutan, bi o ba so okan nu ninu won, ti ki yio fi mokandinlogorun iyoku sile ni iju, ti ki yio si tose eyi ti o nu lo, titi yio fi ri i?” Luku 15:3-7

Ninu ese Bibeli ti a ka loni, Olorun beere boya a ri enikan ti ki yio tose agutan kan ti o nu bi o tile je wipe won si ni agbo eran mokandinlogorun ti won ntoju. Ti a ba wo apejuwe ti Jesu Oluwa wa se yi daradara, a o ri wipe nigbati oluso agutan ba ka agbo eran re ni asale ni yio to mo wipe okan ti nu. Apejuwe yi fi ye wa wipe, titi yio fi ri okan ti o nu, oluso agutan naa ki yio simi. Itan naa tile jinle pupo ju bee lo. Luku 15:7 fi ye wa wipe, ayo mbe lorun fun elese kan ti o ronupiwada. Nigbakigba ti elese ba ronupiwada, ibanuje maa n wa ni orun apaadi nitoripe esu tun padanu okan kan, nitori naa, esu a maa lepa iru eni bee lati rii daju wipe on faa pada sinu ijoba re. nigba ti Kristeni ba pehinda, ayo a maa wa ni ijoba esu. Fun apeere, bi o ba je alaigbagbo nigba kan ri, ti o n darapo pelu awon ore lati mu otin, ti o wa di atunbi, awon ore re omutin yio maa yera fun o nitori igbe aye re ti yio pe won nija. Nje o mo ohun ti yio sele bi won ba tun ri o ni ile otin, inu won yio dun pupo, won yio mu oti ju ti ateyiwa lo. Nigba ti Kristeni ba pehinda, yio mu inu esu dun, yio si ba Olorun lokan je. Ona wo ni o gba n ba Olorun lokan je, ronupiwada loni ki o si bere si ni mu inu re dun latonilo.

Oluwa, mase gba esu laye lati mu mi ba o lokanje, loruko Jesu. Amin

BIBELI KIKA: Luku 15: 1-32

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