MAY 14 SAT 2022 

“…but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among  themselves, are not wise” 2 Cor. 10: 12 

It requires effort for us to refrain from comparing and measuring ourselves with each  other, because the world system seems to be built upon comparison.  

But as children of God, the Spirit is telling us here that using other people to measure  our lives, our progress and our success is one of the most foolish things we can do because  everybody is on a unique path of life, and it is impossible for you to have any other person’s life.  Completely impossible! You can desire to replicate certain qualities you admire in other people  in your life; there is nothing wrong with that, but you cannot have what belongs to somebody  else, and no one can have what belongs to you.  

Embrace the uniqueness of your existence in God and run the race He has set before  you with full conviction.  

The only person you can compare yourself to, is who you were yesterday! PRAYER 

Heavenly Father, I choose to run the race You have given to me, not the race You have given to  another person, in Jesus name Amen. 

BIBLE READINGS: Psalm 139:1-24 



Sugbon awon tikarawon je alailoye nigbati nwon fi ara won diwon ara won, ti won si nfi  ara won we ara won. 2 Cor. 10:12 

O nilo igbiyanju fun wa lati yago fun fifi ara wa we elomiran, nitoriwipe gbogbo oun ti o  nsele ninu aye lo da lori afiwe. Sugbon gege bi omo Olorun, Emi nso fun wa wipe fifi elomiran  se odiwon fun aye wa, itesiwaju wa ati aseyori wa je oun ti koni ogbon ninu. 

Nitoriwipe, onikaluku loni ni ona tire ni aye. Ko si seese ki igbe aye elomiran je tire. Ko  seese rara. O le fe lati ni awon oun amuye ti o wa ninu aye elomiran ninu aye tire naa, ko si oun  ti o buru pelu re. sugbon oun tio je ti elomiran ko le je tire. Bee si ni oun ti o je tire ko le je ti  elomiran. 

Faramo bi idanimo re se wa ninu Olorun, ki o si sare ije ti o ti fi si iwaju re pelu idaniloju. Eni kan ti o le fi ara re we ni eni ti iwo funra re je ni ana. 


Baba Orun, mo yan lati sa ere ije ti o ti fun mi, kiise eyi ti o fi fun elomiran, ni oruko Jesu. Amin BIBELI KIKA: Orin Dafidi 139:1-24 

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