31 TUE 2022 

“If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” Exodus 33:15 In Moses’ conversation with God, we observe how much value he placed on the  presence of God. He did not desire to move a foot if God would not go with him. It is often the  case, that we exercise this same attitude as Moses when we are in difficult situation because it  gives us an assurance of security. However, the difference unveils when we have received what  we desire and are now at peace. Oftentimes, we misinterpret blessings/success to be an  indicator of a ‘good’ relationship with God. This is not always the case. 

In our seasons of success and progress, we need to consciously take time to assess  whether we are still being accompanied by God’s presence. Have we run ahead of God and left  Him behind? If we were offered an opportunity to attain everything we have always wanted,  without God, would we consider it? Deep down within us, we must train our heart to accept that  nothing in this world can be a satisfiable substitute for the presence of God. 

It should not be the case that we only run to God and desire His presence when things  are not going right. Instead, like Moses, we should be able to genuinely say “I’m not going  anywhere if You are not coming with me God.” 


Father God, help us to choose You every day and walk each step with You, May Your presence  always be our home and dwelling place. Amen. 

BIBLE READINGS: Exodus 33: 12-23 



“Oun si wi fun un pe, Bi oju re ko ba ba wa lo, mase mu wa goke lati ihin lo.” Exodus 33:15 Ninu ijiroro Mose pelu Olorun, a se akiyesi iye ti Mose fi sori wiwa niwaju Oluwa. Ko pinu  lati tesiwaju ti Olorun ko ba tele won. L’opo igba ni o ma a nri bi eleyi, ti a ma a ngbe iru igbese  ti Mose gbe, ti a ba wa ninu isoro kan; 1 iru igbese Mose ma a nfun wa ni igboya a abo. Iyato ma  a nfarahan ninu seyori wa nigbati isoro yi ba tan ti a si ni ifokanbale. 

L’opo igba, a maa ntumo ibukun tabi aseyori si pe ati wa ni ibasepo ti o pe pelu Olorun.  Eyi ko ri be e nigbagbogbo, o si pon dandan lati je olotito si ara wa. Ni asiko aseyori ati itesiwaju  wa; a gbodo ni imo-lara lati ri pe a nye ara wa wo boya wiwa pelu Olorun wa, si duro dede. 

Nje a ko ti sare koja Olorun, ti a si fi i sile sehin? Ti a ba fun wa ni anfani lati ni ohun  gbogbo ti okan wa nfe, lai si Olorun, nje a tile nro be e? Ninu isale okan wa, a gbodo fun okan  wa ni idanileko pe, ko si ohun kohun ti a le fi se pasi paro wiwa niwaju Oluwa. 

A ko gbodo jeki o di igba ti a ba ni isoro ki a to sare to Olorun lo; a nilati ma a fe lati wa  niwaju Oluwa, nigbati nkan o ba tile lo dede fun wa. Gege bi Mose, a gbodo so ni idaniloju ati  otito pe ” Ngo ni lo si ibikibi ti Olorun ko ba ni lo pelu mi”. 


Olorun baba wa, mo gbadura pe ju ohunkohun lo, ranwalowo lati yan yin ati lati ma a ba yin rin.  Jeki iwa laa ye yin wa ninu Ile wa ati ni ibugbe wa. Amin  

BIBELI KIKA: Eksodu 33: 12-23 

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