“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1:19

The major challenge of humans with God is disobedience. Humans love to follow  and do their own will, yet they expect to see the move of God in their lives. With God, total  obedience to His instructions, ways, patterns and will are what He demands from us before  we can reap the full benefits or unlock the glory He has in stock for us. A classic example is  what we see in Exodus 25: 8. God desired that the children of Israel make Him a sanctuary  that He may dwell with them, not just any sanctuary, but a sanctuary according to His own  patterns and instruments that He revealed to Moses. Moses began to make the tabernacle  as it was shown to him. One thing to note is that God promised to dwell amongst them  when the tabernacle is built. This promise was not fulfilled until the tabernacle and other  things were fully accomplished according to His instructions and patterns as revealed to  Moses. God only descended as promised when it was finished (Exodus 40: 33- 34). Our God  is a perfect God and perfect in all His ways. Halfway obedience to His instructions will not  yield anything in our lives except we go all the way to observe full obedience. Then we shall  eat the good of the land. 


Oh Lord, grant me the spirit to walk in obedience of Your instructions all the days of my life.  BIBLE READINGS: Exodus 25:1-9 


“Bi enyin ba fe, ti e si gboran, eyin yio je ire ile naa.” Isaiah 1:19 

Ipenija nla kan ti awon eniyan ni pelu Olorun ni aigboran. Awon eniyan feran lati  maa se ife inu ara won, sibe, won reti lati ri owo Olorun ninu aye won. 

Pelu Olorun, igboran si ofin re, ona re, Ilana re ati ife re ni awon oun ti o nfe lati odo wa, ki a  to le ko ere tabi lo ogo ti o ni fun wa. Apere eyi ni a ri ninu iwe Eksodu 25:8. Olorun fe ki awon omo isreli ko ile fun oun, ki O le maa gbe laarin won. Kiise ile lasan,  sugbon gegebi ilana re ati awon oun elo ti o ti fihan fun Mose. Mose bere si ni ko ago naa  gege bi won se fi han fun. 

Oun kan lati mo ni wipe Olorun se ileri lati gbe ni aarin won nigbati won ba ko ago  naa. Ao mu ileri naa se titi ti won fi ko ago naa ti won si se oun gbogbo gegebi ilana ati ofin  ti a fi han fun Mose. 

Olorun sokale gegebi ileri ti o se, nigbati ile naa pari (Eksodu 40:33-34) Olorun wa je Olorun ti o pe, ona re si pe. Aabo igboran si ofin re ko le mu ounkoun wa sinu  aye wa, afi ti a ba se igboran ti o pe, nigba naa ni a o je ere ile naa. 


Oluwa, fun mi ni emi lati rin ninu igboran si ofin re ni gbogbo ojo aye mi. Amin  BIBELI KIKA: Eksodu 25:1-9 

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