Eyes On Jesus




“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set  before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of  the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2″ 

Our world is exploding with violence, and many people who once claimed to follow Jesus  are losing heart. They are in danger of drifting away and dropping out. 

The problem is that brethren have been polluted with sin. Jesus is the only one that  walked on the planet with moral and spiritual purity. He took our pollution into His pure body  and in exchange, He gave us His purity, His grace and His forgiveness.  

Many Brethren walk in sin, then try to use the do-it-yourself as a clean up procedure. We  can’t clean up our act of sin! Only the blood of Jesus can clean up our lives. Many religious  groups go through repeated ceremonial washing and cleansing. We receive total cleansing from  all sins by the blood that was shed on the cross.  

Dearly beloved, turn your eyes on Jesus. Look fully on His wonderful face and all your  terrible worldly experiences will vanish in the light of His glory and grace. Keeping your gaze on  Jesus means that you trust in the power of His redemption. 


God, help me to keep my gaze on You and never take my eyes off my Lord Jesus. Amen. BIBLE READINGS: John 3:14-21 



“Ki a maa wo Jesu, olupilese ati alasepe igbagbo wa. Eni, nitori ayo ti a gbe ka iwaju re, ti  o farada agbelebu, laika itiju si, ti o si joko li owo otun ite Olorun.” Heberu 12:2 Oniruuru iwa ipa ni owa ninu aye ni akoko yii, opolopo ti nwon ti je omo leyin Jesu nigba  kan ri ni won ti ni aare okan. Nwon wa ninu ewu ipehinda ati isako lo. 

Isoro ti o wa nibe ni pe, awon eniyan ti fi ese ba ara won je. Jesu nikan ni o rin ninu aye  pelu iwa ati emi ti o mo. O gba aimo wa si ara on tikarare ti o mo, O si fi iwa mimo, oore ofe re,  ati idariji re ropo fun wa. 

Opolopo eniyan lo n rin ninu ese, ti won si maa n gbiyanju lati boo mole. A ko le bo ese  wa mole, eje Jesu nikan ni o le we ese wa mo. Opolopo esin ni won maa n se iwenumo ese ni  igba de igba, sugbon a we wa mo patapata kuro ninu gbogbo ese wa nipase eje ti a ta sile lori igi  agbelebu.  

Olufe, gbe oju re soke si Jesu, wo oju re ti o kun fun iyanu, gbogbo awon wahala ti o n la  koja yio dopin nipase ogo ati oore-ofe re. Bi o ba teju mo Jesu, o tumo si wipe o ni igbekele ninu  agbara irapada re. 


Olorun, ran mi lowo kin le tejumo o, kin ma si se gbe oju mi kuro lara Jesu Kristi. Amin BIBELI KIKA: Johannu 3:14-21 

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