Prodigal But Desired

Öèôðîâàÿ ðåïðîäóêöèÿ íàõîäèòñÿ â èíòåðíåò-ìóçåå

                                                   PRODIGAL BUT DESIRED
“But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him, and
put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.” Luke 15:21-22 ESV
God is a loving Father; He loves us more than we can ever think of. Just as it’s being
highlighted in the above scripture, God has always wanted us, even in our shortcomings, but it has always been us rejecting His love and His call because of the limited enjoyment we find in sin. Still, Jesus is pleading for us to come back to Him with the assurance that He desires to
have us back despite our transgressions. God created us to show His glory in our lives, but by
the reason of sin and self will, we have not allowed God’s purpose to manifest. Jesus came for
this purpose, that our eyes be opened to see the love of God, that we may be delivered from
the deceit of sin that is holding us back in flesh and to see that Jesus came to re-unite us back to God.
It is not the will of God for anyone to perish, but God desires to deliver us no matter
how far we might have gone in the path of sin. He is waiting for us to repent and come back to Him before it’s late. He is always there for us. Receive Him as your Lord and personal saviour.
Lord, I confess all my wrongs to You. Wash me and cleanse all my sins with the blood of Jesus. Be my Lord and Redeemer. Amen
                                                 ONINAKUNA TI A YANFE
“Omo naa si wi fun u pe, Baba, emi ti dese si orun, ati niwaju re, emi ko ye li eniti a ba
maa pe ni omo re mo. Sugbon, Baba naa wi fun awon omo odo re pe, e mu ayo aso wa
Kankan, ki e si fi wo o, e si fi oruka bo o lowo, ati bata si ese re.“ Luku 15: 21-22
Baba ti o feran wa ni Olorun ise, O feran wa ju bi a se lero lo, Gege bi a ti ka ninu eko
Olorun nfe ki a je ti on, bi a tile wa ninu ese, sugbon awa ni a n ko ife ati ipe re nitori
igbadun igba die ti a nje ninu ese. Sibe, Jesu n ro wa pe ki a pada sodo re pelu idaniloju wipe on setan lati gba wa pada lai ro ti aisedede wa.
Olorun da wa ki a le fi ogo re han ninu aye wa, sugbon nitori ese ati ife inu wa, a ko fi aye
sile fun ife Olorun ki o wa si imuse. Nitori eyi ni Jesu se wa saye, ki oju wa ki o le la lati ri ife
Olorun, ki a le tu wa sile kuro ninu etan ese eyi ti n fawa seyin, ki a si le ri wipe Jesu wa saye lati ba wa laja pelu Olorun.
Kii se ife Olorun pe ki enikeni o parun. Sugbon Olorun n fe lati gba wa la, lai ro bi a ti
dese to. O n duro ki a ronu piwada ki a wa sodo re ki o to pe ju. O wa nitosi, gba a gege bi
Oluwa ati Olugbala re.
Oluwa, mo jewo gbogbo asise mi, we mi nu kuro, ki o si fi eje re we aisedede mi. je Oluwa ati
Olurapada mi. Amin
BIBELI KIKA: Johannu 15:1-7

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