It’s Dangerous To Follow Him At Distance

“But Peter followed him at a distance, right up to the courtyard of the high priest. He entered and sat down with the guards to see the outcome.” Matthew 26:58 NIV

These two actions of Apostle Peter in the report of this event are a pointer to anyone who is being drawn away from the Lord. Peter the disciple of Jesus followed Him (Jesus) at a
distance and not close by, he also sat with the set of wrong people to keep up with the progress of the event. That was his thought, reason, and plan. But unknown to Peter, Satan got him where Satan wanted him. A vulnerable place where no one shared his faith, a place of fear, and a place outside of God’s protection! Isn’t this the same trick Satan keeps using on believers today to take us outside of God’s will so that we can be exposed to satanic attacks? Let’s be vigilant brethren! Whenever we start to walk at a distance from the Lord and think that we can find solutions or information to solve our problems by sitting with the wrong people, then we must be careful, pray and shake ourselves off the hold of Satan that is about to take us to a place of downfall.


Lord, in every situation of life please let me walk close to You, don’t allow me to take the wrong decision that will jeopardise my stand with you. Amen

BIBLE READINGS: Matthew 26:69-75



“Sugbon Peteru to o lehin li okore titi fi de agbala olori alufa, o bo si ile, o si ba awon omo odo na joko lati ri opin re.” – Matteu 26:58

Ohun meji ti Peteru, okan lara awon aposteli se ninu ibi ti a ka yii je atoka fun olukuluku eni ti a n fa kuro lodo Olorun. Peteru, omo ehin Jesu tele e (Jesu) li okere sugbon ko sunmo won. O si tun joko pelu awon ti koye ki o ba joko nitori ti o fe lati ri opin oran naa, eyi ni eredi ati erongba Peteru. On ko si mo wipe satani ti muu joko si ibi ti o ti pinnu fun un. Nibi ti ko si
elomiran ti o ni iru igbagbo kannaa pelu re, ibi eru, ibi ti abo Olorun ko si. Arekereke yii kan naa ni satani maa n lo fun awon onigbagbo loni lati mu wa kuro ninu ife Olorun ki o ba le fi wa se bi o ti wu u. Ara, eje ki a kiyesara. Igbakugba ti a ba bere si ni ba Olorun rin li okere, ti a si nronu lati wa atunse si isoro wa nipa jijoko pelu awon ti ko ye ki a ba joko, a gbodo sora, ki a gba adura, ki a si gba ara wa kuro lowo satani ti o fe gbe wa subu.


Oluwa, ninu ipokipo laye, jowo je kin sunmo o ninu irin ajo mi, ma si se je ki nse ipinnu buburu ti yio mumi padanu iduro mi lodo re. Amin

BIBELI KIKA: Matteu 26: 69-75

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