Planning Is Important To Success


“If your ax is dull and you don’t sharpen it, you have to work harder to use it. It is smarter to plan.” Ecclesiastes 10:10 GNT

Planning is all about preparing ahead of time to get something done. Like the above Scripture’s point, if you are going to the forest to fetch wood, you will need an ax or a
sophisticated tool to use. Planning will assist you to check your work tool to make sure it’s in good shape before you leave home. We need to plan for anything we need to do, otherwise, we may not be able to achieve it. The process of planning will expose the challenges of our projects on time to get the appropriate and timely solution to them. Prayer is a great tool when making plans. When we pray, we commit our plan to God’s hand and therefore give Him the authority to guide and direct us in our plans so that it can work with His plan for us. Failure of any project starts with a lack of planning or improper planning. To record great success in our lives, we need to commit to proper planning first. Make sure your ax is sharpened to cut the tree, otherwise, you might take too long to get it done or not be able to get it done at all.


Planning is a good prospect for a successful project. Lord, increase me in the act of planning so that I can achieve my life set goals. Amen

BIBLE READINGS: Luke 14:28-32


“Bi irin ba kuju, ti oun ko si pon oju re, nje ki oun ki o fi agbara si, sugbon ere ogbon ni lati fi ona han.” Oniwaasu 10:10

Sise eto je ipalemo siwaju asiko lati je ki ise di sise. Gegebi eko bibeli yi, ti o ban lo si inu igbo lati lo wa igi, o nilo aake tabi irin ise lati lo. Sise eto man ran eniyan lowo lati se ayewo irin ise, lati mo boya o seelo ki eniyan to kuro nile. A nilo lati se eto fun ohunkohun ti a ba fe se, bi beeko, aoni le rii se. Nigbati a ba nse eto, yio je ki a tete ri awon ibi ti ipenija ba wa, ki a le yara wa ona abayo. Adura je oun elo to ga, nigba ti a ba se eto. Nigba ti a ba gba adura, a n fi eto wa le Olorun lowo, a si fun un ni ase lati to wa si ona, ki eto tire le se ninu aye wa Aiseto tabi sise eto ti ko peye ni o ma nfa ijakule ni ise ti eniyan ba nse. Lati ri aseyori ninu aye wa, a nilo lati koko se eto ti o peye. Ri daju wipe aake re pon lati ge igi, aijebe, yi o pe ki o to ri se, o si tile le ma rii se.


Oluwa ranmilowo lati maa se eto ti o peye, ki nle se aseyori ninu gbogbo idawole mi. Amin.

BIBELI KIKA: Luke 14:28-32

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