How Great Thou Art Oh Lord

“For thou great and does wondrous things: thou art God alone.” Psalm 86:10[KJV]

Have you ever as humans thought about the bigness and greatness of God concerning the creation of the universe and everything therein, maintaining physically and
spiritual every aspect of lives [both living and non-living] in it. One may wonder how He made all these mighty and marvellous things including man within 6 days not weeks neither months nor years. In fact, He is too vast for any measurement. He spoke all into existence. Very true that God is Immortal, Invisible, Omnipotent, Omniscience and Omnipresent. He provided everything we needed to make us comfortable, the fishes in the ocean, the animals, fruits of different kinds, vegetable of different kinds, natural resources to mention but a few not only for our consumption but for exchange of monetary value. Wherefore thou art great ‘’O LORD GOD’’ for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears (2nd Samuel 7:22). That is why we should always bless our Father the Most High God with our soul, for He is Great, He is clothed with Honour and Majesty.

Oh Lord our Father, your greatness is beyond our imagination. You are everything we are. Strengthen us to continue to fear and serve you all the days of our lives. Amen.
BIBLE READINGS: Psalm 95:1-11


“Nitori pe iwo po, iwo si nse oun iyanu, iwo nikan ni Olorun.” Psalm 86:10

Gege bi eniyan, nje o ti ro nipa titobi Olorun nipa dida ile aye ati oungbogbo ti o wa ninu re? Bi o se se itoju nipa ti ara ati nipa ti emi, oun gbogbo ti o ngbe ninu re. O yani lenu bi Olorun se da oungbogbo ti o da laarin ojo mefa, kiise ose, tabi osu tabi odun. Daju daju, Olorun o ni odiwon. O fi oro da oun gbogbo. otito ni wipe O je Aiku, Airi, Alagbara, Onimojulo, o wa ni ibi gbogbo. O pese oun ti a Nilo lati fi gbe ni irorun, awon eja inu ibu, fun awon eranko, eso orisirisi, ati oun daradara lati je ati lati fi pese owo. 2 Sam 7:22. Idi niyi ti o fi ye ki a maa fi ibukun fun oluwa pelu okan wa, nitori ti O tobi, ola nla lo wo ni aso.

Oluwa wa, titobi re koja oye wa. Iwo ni oun gbogbo ti a je. Fun wa ni agbara lati maa beru re ati lati maa sin o ni gbogbo ojo aye wa. Amin.
BIBELI KIKA: Orin Dafidi 95:1-11

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