Finding Hope

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Life, eternal and abundant is not found in religion or following the rules or trying to be good or better. Finding hope isn’t there; it is found in JESUS and the work He did for each one of us on the cross. He laid down his life for us and took our punishment and death. This could be called “The great exchange”. However, it is not automatic. We each have a choice to choose Him and his gift of life or reject Him and receive the punishment of sin and death. God loves us so much. It will take too many words to explain everything about Jesus our hope in this writing. The place to begin is realizing we have a need for a rescuer, a Saviour. Jesus is the only one that can fill those shoes. James 4:8a says “Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you.” Seek him, and you will find Him. Finding hope
begins in Jesus. A great place to begin to seek Him is the Bible, His words. He who has the son (Jesus) has life and he who does not have the son (Jesus) does not have a life. Choose JESUS today and your hope is guaranteed

Lord, give me the grace to have hope in you and wait patiently on you Amen
BIBLE READINGS: Isaiah 40:2-31; 1 Peter 1:3-6


“Sugbon awon ti o duro de Oluwa, yio tun agbara won se, nwon yio fiye gun oke bi idi, nwon o sare, ki yio si re won, nwon o rin, are ki yio mu won.” Isaiah 40:31

Iye ni kikun ati iye ayeraye ko si ninu esin tabi ninu titele ofin tabi ninu ilakaka lati se daradara si. Sise awari ireti ko ri bee. A le rii niniu Jesu ati gbogbo ise ti o se fun enikan kan wa lori igi agbelebu. O fi emi re lele fun wa, o gba iya wa je, o si gba iku wa ku. A le pe eyi ni “pasi paro nla”. Eleyi kii dede wa. Olukuluku ni o ni ooreofe lati yan Jesu ati ebun iye ayeraye tabi ki a ko lati gba a, ki a si jiya ese wa, ki a si ku. Olorun feran wa pupo. Ako le se alaye tan nipa Jesu, eniti n se ireti wa ninu akosile yii. A gbodo koko mo wipe a nilo eni ti yio ko wa yo, Olugbala. Jesu nikan ni o le se eyi. Jakobu 4: 8a wipe ”E sunmo Olorun, oun yio si sunmo yin. Waa, iwo yio si rii. Sise awari ireti bere ninu Jesu. Ibi ti a ti le bere si ni wa ni Bibeli, ti n se oro re. eni ti o ni omo (Jesu), O ni iye, eni ti ko ba si ni omo (Jesu), ko ni iye. Yan Jesu loni, ireti re ki yio ye.

Oluwa, funmi ni ooreofe lati ni ireti ninu re, ki n si le fi suuru duro de o. Amin.
BIBELI KIKA: Isaiah 40:2-31; 1 Peteru 1:3-6

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