The Blood Of Jesus

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Revelation 12:11

The blood of Jesus. What power there is in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. In the scripture, the Holy book expresses that we are overcomers through the blood. In the Old Testament they just had the blood of bulls and goats, (Leviticus 17:11). Yet, under the new contract, we have the blood of Jesus which purges all from sin (1 John 1:7), and mends, reclaims, and gives security to the believers. There is life in the blood and the blood of the Lamb is unlimited and endless. It has unlimited supply. At the point when we apply the blood of Jesus to the doorposts of our lives in faith — we access the ability to overcome all aspects of the curse that attempts to dwell on us. At the point when you speak the Name of Jesus in front of affliction, sickness or risk, the blood of the Lamb is behind it, and you are secured! There is power and security in the blood, figure out every day how to plead the blood over yourself, your family, companions, vehicle, and so on. The enemy can’t move beyond the blood line when it is pronounced with faith. There is wonder-working power in the blood!

By the blood of Jesus, I overcome every disease, sickness, affliction of the devil, am a overcomer by the blood of the lamb Amen




“Nwon si segun re nitori eje odo-agutan naa, ati nitori oro eri won; nwon ko si feran emi won ani titi de iku.” Ifihan 12:11

Eje Jesu. Agbara nbe ninu eje jesu Kristi. Ninu Bibeli, iwe mimo so wipe a je asegun nitori eje na. Nigba majemu lailai eje eran ni won ni nigbana, (Lefitiku 17:11). Sibe, ni abe majemu
titun, awa ni eje jesu ti nwe gbogbo ese (Johanu Kinni 1:7), ti nse atunse, ti ngba pada, ti nfi aabo fun awon onigbagbo. Iye wa ninu eje na. Eje odo-aguntan ko si ni opin, eje naa nsan titi. Nigbati a ba fi eje Jesu na, si iloro ilekun aye wa pelu igbagbo – awa ni agbara lati bori oniruuru egun ti nwa ona lati ba wa gbe po. Nigbati o ba pe oruko Jesu niwaju iponju, aisan tabi ewu, eje odo-aguntan wa leyin re, nigbana o wa labe aabo! Agbara ati aabo mbe ninu eje na, maa woye ni ojoojumo ona lati bebe fun eje naa lori ara re, ebi re, ojulumo, ohun irinse, ati bee bee lo.
Ota ko le rin koja ala ti a fi eje na se pelu igbagbo, agbara to n sise iyanu wa ninu eje Jesu.

Nipa eje Jesu, mo segun gbogbo arun, aisan, iponju esu, mo di asegun nipa eje odo-agutan.Amin.

BIBELI KIKA: 1 Johannu 1

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