Sin Is A Destroyer, Run For Your Life

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Galatia 6:7

Though we have all been involved in one sin or the other before or even after knowing Christ, we have all repented and been cleansed by the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus, putting on the righteousness of Him that saved us, this make us free to be able to relate with God our creator. The point remains that we should remain in the Mercy of God than go into sin again, there is no way we can hide or pray for forgiveness after we have come to the knowledge of God that will make us escape the repercussions. (Woe to thee that spoilest and thou were not spoiled, and dealest treacherously with thee! when thou shalt cease to spoil, thou shalt be spoiled; and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee. Isaiah. 33: 1, KJV) yes God will forgive us but the aftermath is dangerous, the punishment follows, it can destroy everything one has laboured for, it can mar one’s future, it might hinder open doors, peace once enjoyed will turn to tribulations, Victory will turn to conquer, it is bitterness all through, Absalom the son of David repaid his father in multiple folds for just one sin committed, we need to fear God and know how Mighty He is.

Oh Lord, make me your Sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true for you always in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
BIBLE READINGS:  Galatians 6:7, 2 Samuel 15


Ki a ma se tan yin je; a ko le gan Olorun; nitori ohunkohun ti eniyan ba furugbin, on ni yio si ka. Galatia 6:7

Botile jepe nigba kan si meji a ti da ese ki a to mo Kristi, a si ti ronupiwada, a si ti we wa mo pelu eje Kristi Jesu, ni gbigba ododo eni ti o gba wa la, eyi fun wa ni anfani lati ti le wa pelu Oluwa eleda wa. A gbudo wa ni abe oreofe ki a ma si pada sinu ese mo, ko si bi a se le sapamo tabi ki a ma gbadura fun idariji ese leyin ti a ti mo wipe Olorun korira ese. (Egbe ni fun iwo abanije, ti a ko si ba o je; ti o nhuwa arekereke, ti a ko si huwa arekereke si o! nigbati iwo o dekun ati banije, a o ba o je; ati nigbati iwo ba fi opin si ihuwa arekereke, nwon o huwa arekereke si o. Isaiah 33:1). Nitooto, Olorun yi o dariji wa sugbon ijiya yio tele. O le pa gbogbo ohun ti a ti fi owo kojo run, o le dí ojo iwaju eni. O le tilekun mo eniyan, alaafia ti a je, yio di isoro, a ko ni le je asegun, o je ikoro titi. Absalomu omo Dafidi san esan fun Baba re nitori ese kan ti o da, a gbudo beru Oluwa ki a si mo bi o ti ni agbara to.

Oluwa, so mi di agọ mimo re, ki n le ni inu mimo ati aya funfun, ki n si je tire titi lailai. Amin.
BIBELI KIKA: Galatians 6:7, 2 Samuel 15

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