Hindrances To Hearing

Samuel tells Eli that he heard him calling I Samuel 3:8

Then he ran to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” But he said, “I did not call, lie down again.” So he went and lay down. 1 Samuel 3:5

How keen is your spiritual hearing? Consider the following inquiries for yourself: How well-versed am I in God? Listening is difficult if you don’t understand God’s nature and what pleases Him. Do I have too much on my plate to make time for God? When there is no breathing place in our schedules and minds, we are unable to hear and respond to Him. Do you even know God uses His Holy Spirit to communicate? We won’t hear the voice of our heavenly Father until we have faith that He personally communicates with us.  Am I guilty of anything? Our ability to listen will decline if we don’t live in the freedom of God’s forgiveness—which Christ won for us on the cross. Do I consistently engage in sin? If we harbour sin and fail to repent, it will be an obstructing interference in our ears when we try to hear the Lord. Wo do you take counsel from? If we reject godly counsel, we may reject the voice of God. Believers have a duty to pay close attention and be self-aware (Luke 8:18). If you give these questions some serious thought with an open mind, God will lead you on how you can hear from Him.

Lord, open my mind towards knowing your voice in Jesus name Amen
BIBLE READINGS:  1 Samuel 3:1-10


Ó sì sáré lọ sí ọ̀dọ̀ Eli ó sì wí pé, “Èmi nìyí nítorí pé ìwọ pè mí.” ùgbọ́n Eli wí fún un pé, “Èmi kò pè ọ́; padà lọ dùbúlẹ̀.” Nítorí náà ó lọ ó sì lọ dùbúlẹ̀ 1 Samueli 3:5

Bawo ni ohun gbigbo re se muna si ninu emi? Koko beere ni owo ara re: bawo ni mo se jinle to ninu Olorun? O soro lati gbo ohun Olorun nigba ti o ko ba ni oye Olorun ati ohun ti o fe. Se owo re kun ju fun o lati wa aye fun Olorun? Nigba ti a ko ba fi aye sile ninu akoko wa pelu okan wa, o soro lati gbo Olorun tabi lati dalohun. Nje o tile mo wipe Oluwa a maa ba wa soro nipa Emi Mimo? A ko le gbo ohun Baba wa orun afi bi a ba ni igbagbo wipe Oun maa n ba wa soro. Nje o jebi eyi? Agbara lati gbo ohun Olorun a maa dinku nigba ti a ba ko lati gbe ninu ominira ti idariji, eyi ti Kristi jogun funwa ni ori igi agbelebu. Nje o maa n dese nigbagbogbo? Ti a b agba ese laaye ninu wa, ti a ko si yipada kuro ninu re, ese yio je idena fun wa lati gbo ohun Olorun. Tani oludamoran re? Ti a ba ko imoran rere, o seese ki a ko ohun Olorun. Onigbagbo si gbodo kiyesara (Luku 8:18). Ti o ba ye awon ibeere wonyi wo, Oluwa yio dari re si ona ti iwo yio gba lati gbo ohun Re.

Oluwa, si okan si gbigbo ohun re ni oruko Jesu. Amin
BIBELI KIKA: 1 Samueli 3:1-10

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