You Cannot Sink When You Have Jesus Part 2

“Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea” Psalms 46: 2

Another lesson from today’s passage is that allowing Jesus Christ to be dipped into your life leads to self discovery. If you truly want to discover yourself- to know who you are, your worth and divine value, your potentials for God’s Kingdom and God’s purpose for your life, allow the Word of Jesus Christ to dwell richly in you. Are you yet to know why you are on earth? The Lord will open your eyes to discover yourself in Jesus’ name. We also learn that any stormy waters you go into with the Lord cannot drown you. Are you currently going through the floods? You shall not drown. As long as Jesus is with you, you will stay afloat like the axe head. In Isaiah43: 1-4, God says ‘Fear not’. Are people sinking in the midst of that major challenge? You will not sink! You will stay afloat. Why? The Vine had to sink so as to keep you afloat. In that situation, Jesus is your resting place. He is your foundation so you cannot go under. You will overcome and testify of His goodness.

BIBLE READING: Isaiah 43: 1-4

PRAYER: For a user of this Devotional who is going through an overwhelming situation, the Lord says you will not sink because He is upholding you with His victorious right hand. You are coming out victorious!


“Nitorina awa ki yoo bẹru, bi a tilẹ ṣi ilẹ ayé ni ìdí, ati bi a tilẹ gbe awọn oke nla lọ si ãrin okun” Psalm 46:2

Ẹkọ miiran lati inu ẹkọ kika ti oni, ni gbigba Jesu Kristi laaye lati wọ inu igbesi aye rẹ, eyiti a yọ́ risi rẹ jẹ ṣiṣe awari ara ẹni. Ti o ba fẹ ni tootọ lati ṣawari ara rẹ-lati mọ ẹni ti iwọ jẹ; bí o ti ṣe ni iye lórí to, ati amuyẹ rẹ l’atọrunwa, awọn agbara rẹ fun Ijọba Ọlọrun, ati ète tí Ọlọrun ni fun igbesi-aye rẹ. Fi ààyè sílẹ ki Ọrọ Jesu Kristi máà gbe inu rẹ lọpọlọpọ. Njẹ o fẹ mọ idi ti o fi wa lori ilẹ ayé? Oluwa yoo la oju rẹ lati ṣe awari ara rẹ ni orúkọ Jesu. A tún kẹ́kọ̀ pé irú ìjì omi èyíkéyìí tí o bá nla kọja pẹlú Olúwa, kò lè mú kí a tẹ ọ́ ri. Njẹ o n la awọn iṣan omi kọja lọwọlọwọ? Iwọ ko ní ri. Niwọn igbati Jesu ba wa pẹlu rẹ, iwọ yoo le fo bi ori ake. Nínú Isaiah 43: 1-4, Ọlọrun sọ pe “Ma bẹru”. Njẹ awọn eniyan n rì laarin ipenija nla ni bi? Iwọ kii yoo rì! Iwọ yíó duro le fo lori omi. Kí n’ìdí? Ajara naa ni lati rì, ki o le jẹ ki o le fo. Nínú ipo bẹ ẹ, Jesu ni ibi isinmi rẹ. Oun ni ipinlẹ rẹ nitorina o ko le wà labẹ. Iwo y‘o si ṣẹgun, iwọ y‘o si jẹri sí oore Rẹ.

BIBELI KIKA: Aísáyà 43:1-4

ADURA: Fun oluka iwe ádùrá yi, ti o n la ipo ti o d’ẹru ba ni nla kọja, Oluwa sọ wipe o ko ni rì; nitori O n fi ọwọ ọtún ìṣẹgun gbe ọ duro. O o jade bi aṣẹgun. Amin.

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