MAY 23 MON 2022 

“The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Prov 28:1 The scripture has given a comparison between the wicked and the righteous. Christians  who live in the righteousness of God are to be conscious of who Christ Jesus has made them to  be. Boldness isn’t begging, pleading, wishing or hoping; boldness is knowing. It is confidence  that when you pray according to the word in faith, and as you live in obedience to God’s word,  you will receive what you ask (1 John 3:21-22).  

You, as a Christian should never be afraid of the wicked in the society, because deep  inside the wicked is a greater fear to flee from the righteous.  

Dearly beloved, your source of boldness is knowing who you are in Christ and what  rights you have in your covenant relationship with Him.  

One of the rights Jesus secured for you at the cross is the right to come freely into the  presence of God without condemnation, without insecurity and without the fear of not being  heard. 


Father Lord, give me boldness to come to the throne of mercy. Amen.  

BIBLE READINGS: Proverbs 28: 1-4, John 7: 25-27 



“Eniyan buburu sa nigbati enikan ko le e: sugbon olododo laya bi kiniun.” Prov 28:1 Oro inu Bibeli se afiwe larin eni buburu ati olododo. Kristeni ti o ba ngbe igbe aye ododo  Olorun, ye ki o mo iru eniti Jesus Kristi je ki oun je. Igboya ki i se ki a ma a ibebe, ijirebe, tabi  ohun ti a nfe, tabi ohun ti a nreti — igboya je ohun ti a mo. O je idaniloju pe ti o ba gbadura  nipase oro igbagbo, ti o si wa ni igboran si oro Olorun, iwo yio gba idahun si ebe re. (1Jn 3:21- 22) 

Iwo bi Kristeni, lo ko gbodo beru eni buburu l’awujo, nitoripe nisale okan eniyan buburu  ni iberu nla 

gbe wa, lati le sa kuro niwaju olododo. Ayanfe orisun igboya re ni lati mo eniti o je ninu Kristi, ati  eto ti o ni nipa majemu ibasepo re pelu Re. 

Ikan ninu awon eto ti Jesu ni fun o lori igi agbelebu, ni eto lati wa si iwaju Olorun lai ni  idena, lai si idalebi, lai si ai ni idaabobo, ati iberu ki a ma ba a gbo ohun eni. 


Baba mi ati Oluwa mi, fun mi ni igboya lati to ite aanu Re wa. Amin.  

BIBELI KIKA: Owe 28: 1-4, Johanu 7: 25-27 

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