Jesus Cares About Your Mental Health


“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7

When last did you check on your mental health? Do not be misled by the wrong perception that mental health issue means insanity. Your mental health simply means the soundness of your mind. Anything that impairs you from reasoning properly or making sound decisions should be carefully addressed. Such issues may include anxiety, stress, sleep disorder, anger, low self-esteem, etc. Beloved, it should not surprise you that Jesus cares about your mental health. He wants you to be mentally upright in worshipping Him. That is why he gave you the spirit of power, love, and sound mind. He wants you to cast your anxieties, fears, insufficiencies, and insecurities on Him. Do not allow anyone or society to take the joy of salvation from you. Commit your mental health to God’s care. Meditating in the Word of God is an ever-effective way of keeping yourself mentally balanced. It is not unbiblical to talk to medical experts for professional advice. It is also profitable to open up to your spiritual leader about your mental struggles. God wants you to be whole – physically, spiritually, and mentally. He cares for you.


Jesus, let my mind receive your peace that I may be mentally upright in worshipping you. Amen!

BIBLE READINGS: Philippians 4:4-9



“Ati alaafia Olorun ti o ju imoran gbogbo lo yio so okan ati ero yin ninu Kristi Jesu.” -Filipi 4:7

Igbawo ni o se ayewo lori ilera opolo re keyin? Mase sina nipa erogba buburu wipe oro nipa ilera opolo tumo si aarun opolo. Ilera opolo re tumo si aaye ti okan re wa laise aisan ati
laisaare. Ohunkohun ti o ba fa aileronu daradara tabi aile se ipinnu ti o dara, ni ki a bojuto. Awon ohun ti n fa eyi le je sise aniyan, wahala sise, airorun sun, ibinu, aini iyi lara, ati bee bee lo. Olufe, ko ye ki o jo o loju wipe Jesu bikita fun ailera opolo re. O fe ki o je olopolo pipe ninu ise isin re. Idi niyi ti o fi fun o ni emi agbara, ife ati okan ti o ye kooro. O fe ki o ko aniyan, eru, aini ati ifoya re le ohun. Mase je ki enikeni tabi awujo ki o gba ayo igbala sonu lowo re. Fi ilera opolo re sabe itoju Olorun. Sise asaro ninu Oro Olorun je ona ti o dara julo lati mu ki ilera opolo re wa ni pipe. Kii se ohun ti o lodi si Bibeli lati ri awon osise ilera fun imoran. O tun seni lanfani ki a finu han fun awon asiwaju wa ninu igbagbo. Olorun fe ki o wa ni ilera, ninu ara, ninu emi ati ninu opolo re. O bikita fun o.


Jesu, je ki okan mi gba alaafia re, ki n le je olopolo pipe ninu isin re. Amin

BIBELI KIKA: Filipi 4:4-9

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