Kingdom Of God




“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me so  that you also may be where I am.” John 14:3 

How well are you prepared as a born-again Christian for the coming of our Lord Jesus  Christ? Are you sure that if He should come today, you will be ready? Have you not lost your  birthright as an heir in His Kingdom? What are those things that made you derail? Think about  them today and come back to the Lord Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, also to the  Father your Creator, so that your name will be re-written in the book of life. The Bible says we  are in the world but not of the world. Do not be attracted by those material things that have no  eternal value.  

We should not love the world and the things therein, because if we do, then the love of  the Father is not in us. Remember, we must not store up our treasures on earth, where moth  and rust destroy and where thieves do not break and steal.  

Jesus is coming very soon, do not procrastinate, tomorrow may be too late.  God said ‘’Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone  according to what he has done’’ Rev. 22: 12 


My prayer is that the mercy and grace of God will uphold us to the end in Jesus Name  BIBLE READINGS: John 14:1-3 



“Bi mo ba si lo ipese aye sile fun yin, emi o tun pada wa, emi o si mu yin lo sodo emi  tikarami, pe nibiti emi gbe wa, ki eyin le wa nibe pelu.” Johannu 14:3 Gege bi onigbagbo ti o ti di atunbi, bawo ni o se n mura fun bibo Oluwa wa Jesu  Kristi? Nje o da o loju wipe o ti se tan bi o ba tile de loni yii? nje o ko tii so ogun ibi re nu  gege bi ajogun ijoba re? kini awon ohun ti o mu o kuna? 

Ronu nipa won loni ki o si pada si odo Jesu Kristi. Ipinlese ati alasepe igbagbo wa ati si odo  Baba, eniti se Eleda re, ki a ba le tun oruko re ko sinu iwe iye. 

Iwe Mimo so wipe ‘awa wa ninu aye, sugbon awa kii se ti aye’ e mase wo ohunti aye ti ko le  gbeni ro. 

A ko gbodo fe aye ati ohun ti n be ninu aye, nitori bi a ba se eyi, ife ti Baba ko si ninu  wa. E ranti wipe a ko gbodo to isura wa jo si aye yii, nibiti kokoro ati ipaara tii baa je ati  nibiti awon ole ti n jii. 

Jesu n pada bo laipe, mase fi igbala re dola, ola le peju fun o. 

Olorun wipe “kiyesi, Emi nbo Kankan, ere mi si mbe pelu mi, lati san an fun olukuluku gege  bi ise re yio ti ri” Ifihan 22:12 


Jeki aanu ati ooreofe re Oluwa, ki o gbe mi ro titi de opin ni Oruko Jesu. Amin BIBELI KIKA: Johannu 14:1-3 

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