Knowing God

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life… 1 John 1: 1 NKJV

All believers must grow in our knowledge of God to the level that our experience with Him is more ‘real’ than our relations with people we know physically. We must grow more solid in our walk with God. We cannot be people who fall away from the faith because of something wrong that somebody has done; even if that person is a Minister of God. John is telling us that he knows what he has experienced. That nobody, no injury, no offence can make him forsake what he knows to be true -because he has experienced God. We have to move on from living on what people tell us, to living on our own daily encounter with the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Heavenly Father, I thank you because of who You are and the fact that You are my Father, in Jesus name Amen.
BIBLE READINGS:  1 John 1: 1 – 4


Èyí tí ó wà láti àtètèkọ́e, tí àwa ti gbọ́, tí àwa ti fi ojú wa rí, tí àwa sì ti tẹjúmọ́, tí ọwọ́ wa sì ti dì mú; èyí tí a kéde; ní ti ọ̀rọ̀ ìyè. 1 Johannu 1:1

Gbogbo onigbagbo ni lati dagbasoke ninu imo Olorun, tobe gee ti iriri wa pelu Re yio ju ibasepo wa pelu awon eniyan ti a mo lo. A ni lati gbooro ninu ibarin wa pelu Olorun. A ko gbodo je eni ti yio subu kuro ninu igbagbo nitori oun ti eniyan se si wa; koda ko je ojise Olorun. Ninu ese Bibeli ti oni, Johannu n so pelu igboya wipe oun mo iriri oun pelu Olorun. Wipe ko si eniyan, tabi ipalara, tabi ese ti yio mu oun kuro ninu otito ti oun ti mo  nitori wipe o ti ni iriri pelu Olorun. A ni lati dekun gbigbe aye wa nipa oun ti eniyan n so, ki a si maa gbe aye wa nipa ibaarin wa lojojumo pelu Oba awon Oba.

Baba Orun, ran mi lowo lati te oju mi mo o, ni oruko Jesu Amin.
BIBELI KIKA: Heb. 12: 1 – 2 NKJV

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