Listen To The Holy Spirit

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25

Many times, the Holy Spirit is speaking to us, but only those who are sensitive hear and obey. If the Holy Spirit dwells within you, He would keep communicating with you through whispers. You may feel it is just your mind, but believe me, if you’re well-tuned spiritually you will know that it is the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we need to get accustomed to the voice of God and recognise when He is nudging us in a particular direction. The ability to do this will always help us and most in times of trouble. Job in his valuable experience with God said, ”But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.” As believers, our spirit must be in accord with the Holy Spirit for us to hear, listen, know and understand God’s instructions.

Oh Lord, please give me a listening mind and ear to recognize the Holy Spirit’s instructions in Jesus’ name. Amen
BIBLE READINGS:  1 Samuel 3:1-10


“Ti a ba n gbee ninu Ẹmí, jẹ ki a rin ninu Ẹmí.” Gálátíà 5:25

Ni ọpọlọpọ igba, Ẹmi Mimọ n ba wa sọrọ, ṣugbọn awọn ti o ni ifunra nikan ni o gbọ to o si tele. Ti Ẹmi Mimọ ba n gbe inu rẹ, Oun yoo ma ba ọ sọrọ nipa Oro kelekele. O le lero pe ọkan rẹ nikan ni, ṣugbọn gba mi gbọ, ti o ba wa Nínú emi, Iwo yo o mo wipe  emi mimo ni o n ba e soro. Gegẹ́ bí Kristẹni, a gbodo mọ ohùn Ọlorun dáadáa ká sì mo nígbà tí Ó ń toowa sonà ní pàtó. Agbara lati ṣe eyi yoo ṣe iranlọwọ nigbagbogbo ati pupọ julọ ni awọn akoko ipọnju. Jobu ninu iriri rẹ ti o niyelori pẹlu Ọlọrun sọ pe, “Ṣugbọn ẹmi kan mbẹ ninu eniyan: imisi Olodumare si fun wọn ni oye.” Gege bí onígbàgbọ́, emí wa gbodo wà ní ìbámu pelú emí Mímo fún wa láti gbo, lati teti si,láti mo àti lati loye àwọn ìtoni Ọlorun.

Oluwa, jọwọ fun mi ni ọkan ti o gbọ ati eti lati da awọn ilana Ẹmi Mimọ mọ ni orukọ Jesu. Amin
BIBELI KIKA: 1 Sámúelì 3:1-10

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