Nothing Can Be Added Or Subtracted




“I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and  nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.” Ecclesiastes 3:14 NIV

The above is an assurance of God’s sole ownership of our lives as His children. God  owns our lives, He designed it for His purpose. When you own something, you have authority  over it. We need to know and begin to understand that everything God does for us will endure. As Christians, we should not entertain thoughts of demonic powers’ supremacy over  what God has done and sealed for us by the precious blood of Jesus. Our salvation,  redemption, victory, promotion, marriage, good health, and other blessings have been given to  us by God our Father. When you walk with God wholeheartedly, the devil can only try to throw  you off balance by shoving challenges on your path for you to lose your faith in God, because  it’s only by this that he can gain access to meddle with your life. But, if you stand your ground  by God’s grace, what God said will be for you will definitely be, nothing can be added to it or  subtracted from it without God’s permission. Remember that it was God that allowed satan to  deal with Job and He even gave him boundaries as to how far he could go. Satan did not have  the authority to do it without God and satan still doesn’t have the right over our lives too.


Father, help me not to give the enemy consent to meddle with the beautiful life you have given  me. Amen  



“Emi mo pe ohunkohun ti Olorun se yio wa lailai; a ko le fi ohun kan kun un, beeni a ko le  mu ohun kan kuro ninu re, Olorun si se eyi ki eniyan ki o le maa beru re.” Oniwaasu 3:14 Eko yii je idaniloju wipe Olorun ni nse akoso aye wa gege bi omo re. Olorun ni o ni aye  wa, o si ti seto re fun ilo re. Bi ohun kan ba je tire, o ni ase lori re. A gbodo mo, ki oye re si bere  si ni ye wa wipe ohun gbogbo ti Olorun ba se fun wa yio wa titi lae. 

Gege bi omo leyin Kristi, a ko gbodo fi aye gba ero wipe agbara emi okunkun le bori  ohun ti Olorun ti se fun wa ti o si ti fi eje Jesu se edidi re. igbala wa, irapada, isegun, igbega,  igbeyawo, ilera pipe ati awon Ibukun miran ti Olorun Baba wa ti fi fun wa ti iwe mimo si se alaye  re gege bi ohun ti a ti se yori. Ko si ohun ti a le yo kuro, beesi ni ko si ohun ti a le fi kun un. Nigbati o ba n ba Olorun rin tokantokan, esu le gbiyanju lati mi o nipa adanwo ki o baa le  padanu igbagbo re ninu Olorun, nitori nipa eyini o fi le raye ninu aye re. sugbon bi o ba duro  gangan nipa oore ofe Olorun, ohun ti Olorun ti so wipe yio je tire, yio ri bee. Ko si ohun ti  enikeni le fi kun un, beeni ko si ohun ti a le yo kuro laisi ase Olorun ati ibamopo re. Ranti wipe  Olorun ni o fi aye sile fun satani lati dan Jobu wo, o si fi gbendeke si iwon ti o le danwo. Satani  ko ni ase leyin Olorun, satani ko si ni ase lori aye wa bakan naa. 


Baba ni Oruko Jesu, ran mi lowo ki n mase fun ota laaye lati da igbe aye daradara ti o ti fun mi  ru. Amin 

BIBELI KIKA: Jobu 1:8-12 

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