Nourish Your Spirit


“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world” John 6:51

Have you gone a day without eating or drinking anything? It can be very discomforting and if maintained for a run of days, can lead to serious health problems. This is also true for the spirit of a person. If you fail to regularly feed your spirit with spiritual food, it will lead to spiritual deficiency and eventually spiritual starvation. A spiritually deficient person will never
know the intention of God for his or her life, neither will such a person find the ultimate satisfaction that is only found in God. What is this spiritual food? It is the Word of God. Truth is, you never start living until you consume the Word of God. It gives you the kind of life that physical food can never come close to giving. Physical food may be scarce, but the Word of God is always available. Physical food may cost some money, but the Word of God is freely given. Physical food may spoil, but the Word of God is ever fresh. Do not neglect the needs of your
spirit. Spiritual deficiency can cost you not just your life but your divine destiny. Make every effort to regularly nourish your spirit with the satisfying Word of God.


My God, help me to continually feed on your Word, that I may find satisfaction in you and have eternal life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

BIBLE READINGS: John 6:48-58



“Emi ni ounje iye ni ti o ti orun sokale wa, bi enikeni ba je ninu ounje yii, yio ye titi laelae, ounje naa ti emi yio si fi funni ni ara mi, fun iye ayeraye.” – Johannu 6:51.

Nje o ti se ri lai je ohunkohun tabi mu omi ni odindin ojo kan? A maa nini lara, ti o ba si tesiwaju fun ojo melo kan, o le fa aisan buburu. Bakan naa ni o ri fun emi eniyan. Bi o ba ko lati maa fi ounje emi bo okan re, yio fa ijakule ninu emi ti yio si pada yori si ipongbe emi. Eni ti o ti ja kule ninu emi ko le mo ipinnu Olorun fun aye re beeni ko le ni iru itelorun ti o wa ninu Olorun nkan. Kini ounje emi yii? Oro Olorun ni. Otito ni wipe o ko tii bere sini gbe inu aye ayafi ti o ba bere si ni je Oro Olorun. A maa funni ni iru igbe aye ti ounje ara ko le fun ni. Ounje ara le sowon, sugbon Oro Olorun mbe nigba gbogbo, ounje ara le gbowo lori, sugbon Oro Olorun, ofe ni. Ounje ara le dibaje sugbon Oro Olorun, otun ni lojoojumo. Ma sai kobi ara si ohun ti emi re nilo. Ijakule ninu emi ki yio mu o padanu emi re nikan sugbon yio tun mu o padanu ayanmo re. Sa gbogbo ipa re ki o si rii pe o n fi Oro Olorun ti o maa n te okan lorun, bo emi re.


Olorun mi, ran mi lowo ki n le maa je Oro re bi eni jeun nigba de igba, ki nle ni itelorun ninu re, kin si le ni iye ainipekun. Amin

BIBELI KIKA: Johannu 6:48-58

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