Overcoming The Sense Of Hopelessness


“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive
mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 ESV
Sometimes hopelessness might lay in wait for and make us feel that there will be no
tomorrow. However, let us brace up in the Lord to gain our confidence and reboot our mind
with God’s word.

As a child of God, we need to go boldly to our Father. God’s ear is all open to our prayers
and He has never hidden Himself from our supplications. God caused the dry bones to live
again in the book of Ezekiel. What state of hopelessness can be greater than that?
Whenever we find ourselves in hopeless situations, let us call upon the name of the Lord
to rescue us. We should cast our burden on Him and He will relieve us of the weight, sustain us and make a way where there seems to be none. God has promised not to allow the righteous to be moved. In the hopeless situation of Mary and Martha when their dead brother had been buried, Jesus showed up and told them that, if they believe they shall see the glory of God, and they did.


Lord, I release to you all my worries and hopelessness, for You care and watch over everything that concerns me, make me well balanced as I daily hope in You. Amen

BIBLE READINGS: John 11:38-44

“Nitorinaa, e je ki a wa si ibi ite ore-ofe pelu igboya, ki a le ri aanu gba, ki a si ri ore-ofe
lati maa rannilowo ni akoko ti o wo.” Heberu 4:16.
Nigba miran ewe, aini ireti le mu wa ro wipe ojo ola wa ko le dara, sugbon, e je ka segiri,
ka mu okan le ninu Olorun ki a le ni igboya, ki a si fi oro Olorun mu okan wa le.
Gege bi omo Olorun, oye ki a le fi igboya to Baba wa lo. Eti Olorun si sile lati gbo adura
wa ni igba gbogbo, ko si fi ara re pamo kuro ninu ibeere wa. Olorun mu ki egungun gbigbe ye ninu iwe Ezekieli. Iru ipo aini ireti wo ni o tun le ga ju egungun ti o ti gbe lo?
Nigbakigba ti a ba ri ara wa ninu ipo aini ireti, eje ki a kepe oruko Oluwa ki o gba wa. Ki a
ko gbogbo ajaga wa le Olorun, on yio si ba wa gbe e, ti yio fuye, yio gbe wa ro, yio si la ona nibiti ko si ona. Olorun ti se ileri wipe on ki yio je ki olododo ki o damu. Nigba ti Maria ati Martha ti so ireti nu leyin ti won ti sin oku egbon won, Jesu wa, o si wi fun won pe, bi nwon ba gbagbo, nwon yio ri ogo Olorun. Nwon si ri ogo Olorun nitoriti won gbagbo.
Oluwa, mo ko gbogbo aniyan mi to o wa, nitoripe o feran mi, o si n bojuto ohun gbogbo tin se temi, semi ni pipe ani bi mo ti ni ireti ninu re. Amin
BIBELI KIKA: Johannu 11:38-44

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