Partiality Not Allowed




“But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as  transgressors.” James 2: 9 

As a believer in Christ, we must not be partial or discriminatory. Discrimination is one of  Satan’s divisive tools in the Church of God. In the early church during the revival, some church  workers began to discriminate in their service.  

They gladly served some people while others were deliberately neglected. It took the  intervention of the apostles to arrest this anomaly (Acts 6:1). If you are partial, Satan is using  you to divide the body of Christ. Moreover, today’s reading raises crucial issues relating to  partiality in the church of Christ.  

Christian faith does not support the preference of the rich to the poor. In God’s  Kingdom, all are equal and should be given equal treatment and opportunities. “There is  neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you  are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal.3:28). According to James 2:9, partial leaders are sinners, and no  sinner can inherit God’s Kingdom. If you are guilty of this, repent and make your way right.


O Lord, give me the ability to relate with people without being partial in Jesus name Amen.

BIBLE READINGS: James 2:1-9 



“Sugbon bi eyin ba n se ojusaju enia, eyin n dese, a si n da yin lebi nipa ofin bi arufin.” Jakobu 2:9 

Gege bi onigbagbo ninu Kristi, a ko gbodo se ojusaju. Ojusaju je okan lara awon  ohun ti satani maa n lo lati fi pin Ijo Olorun. Ni Ijo akoko, ni akoko isin, awon osise inu Ijo  bere si ni ya awon kan soto. 

Nwon a fi tayotayo jise fun awon kan nigba ti nwon ko naani awon kan. Awon  Aposteli ni nwon fi opin si iwa buburu yii. (Ise Awon Aposteli 6:1). Bi o ba nse ojusaju, satani  nlo o lati pin ara Kristi. Atipe, eko kika wa toni so oro pataki ti o jomo ojusaju ninu Ijo  Olorun. 

Igbagbo ko fi aye gba ki a feran olowo ju talaka lo, nitori okan ni olowo ati talaka, a si  gbodo se si won bakan naa. 

Ko le si Ju tabi Hellene, eru tabi Ominira, okunrin tabi obinrin, nitoripe okan ni gbogbo yin  je ninu Kristi Jesu (Gal 3:28). Gege bi (Jakobu 2:9) Elese ni awon olori ti o ba nse ojusaju, ko  si elese ti yio jogun ijoba Olorun. Bi o ba mo wipe o jebi ese yii, ronupiwada, ki o si mu ona  re to. 


Oluwa, fun mi lagbara lati ba awon eniyan lo lai se ojusaju. Amin  

BIBELI KIKA: Jakobu 2:1-9 

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