Tears Wiped Away

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:4

God has demonstrated His ability to wipe away all tears and put an end to death, sorrow, crying, and pain. When we see trouble all around us, we must remember that God is still in control, that He has made us a promise and that His promises are yea and amen. When life overwhelms you, God will wipe away your tears and let you know there is help and there is hope. He wants you to know you have a way out, a way in and a way through and that he provided that plan before the world began. He knew you’d need a Saviour to provide you a way out of your sin, a way into heaven and a way through the fire that would threaten to destroy you. And the good news is, He provided it as a gift for the asking. God will leave nothing unfinished, he will perfect, make perfect, complete that which is concerning us. For those who desire righteousness the same way the body desires and needs food and water, his water is a gift that comes from the spring of the water of life and when you drink this water, you will inherit all things including eternal life. Dear beloved, when we look into the eyes of Jesus, we know He loves very much and will rescue us and He promised to wipe away all tears from our eyes.

O Lord wipe away my tears in Jesus name Amen.




“Olorun yio si nu omije gbogbo kuro li oju won…” Ifihan 21:4

Olorun ti fi han wa wipe oun le nu omije nu ki o si fi opin si iku, ibanuje, ekun ati inira. Nigbati idamu ba yi wa ka, a ni lati ranti wipe isakoso wa ni owo Olorun, o si ti se ileri fun wa, awon ileri re si je beeni ati Amin. Nigbati aye ba bori re, Olorun yio nu omije re yio si je ki o mo wipe iranlowo ati ireti wa. O fe ki o mo wipe, ona abayo wa, o si ti se eto naa ki aye ki o to bere. O mo wipe o maa nilo olugbala ti yio yo o kuro ninu ese ati ina ti o fe pa o run. Iroyin ayo naa ni wipe, o pese re gegebi bi ebun fun wa ti a ba beere. Olorun o ni fi ounkoun sile lai pari re, yio se asepe oun tio je tiwa. Fun awon ti o nfe ododo gegebi ara ti nfe omi ati ounje, omi iye naa wa lati ibi orisun omi iye, ti o ba si mu omi yi, o ma jogun oungbogbo pelu iye ayeraye. Ara, nigba ti a ba wo oju Jesu, a mo wipe o fe wa yio si gba wa. O ti se ileri lati nu omije kuro ni oju wa.

Oluwa, nu omije mi nu ni oruko Jesu. Amin

BIBELI KIKA: Jeremiah 31

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