“Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something  useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.”  Ephesians 4:28 NIV 

Two robbers were crucified with Jesus. One mocked Jesus, hard-hearted to the end. The other repented, seeing Jesus was innocent and believing that He is the Saviour. The  thief asked Jesus to remember him when He gets to His kingdom. Jesus promised him they  would be together that very day in paradise. Conversion to Christ brings a great turn  around in a person’s life. One who has been stealing begins to work so that he can  generously give to people in need. One whose mouth was filled with gossip, lies and filthy  languages begins to talk in a way that helps other instead of corrupting them. 

When you turn away from your old ways and turn to God, it brings peace, joy and  most importantly hope. When God gives your life a great turn around, it is not something  that can be hidden, it will be seen by all eyes, heard by all ears and spoken by all mouths. PRAYER 

Father, let my life experience Your great turn around and let all mouth glorify You through  me. Amen 

BIBLE READINGS: Luke 23:32-43 


“Ki eniti njale mase jale mo, sugbon ki o kuku maa se laalaa, ki o maa fi owo re sise oun  tio dara, ki oun ki o le ni lati pin fun eni ti o se alaini.” Efesu 4:28 

Awon olosa meji w ani ori igi pelu Jesu, okan se egan Jesu, okan re le titi de opin. Ikeji  re ronupiwada nigba ti o ri wipe Jesu je alaise, o si Gbagbo wipe oun ni olugbala. Olosa naa  sofun Jesu wipe ki o ranti oun nigba ti o ba de ijoba re. 

Jesu se ileri fun wipe, won yio wa papo ni paradise ni ojo naa. Ayipada si Kristi ma  nmu ayipada ti o ga wa sinu aye eniyan. 

Eni ti o ti njale, o bere si ni sise ki o le maa fun awon alaini. Eni tie nu re kun fun  abosi, iro ati oro ti ko dara, o bere si ni soro ni ona ti nran awon eniyan lowo dipo ki o ma  ba won je. 

Nigba ti o ba yipada kuro ninu awon ona atijo, ti o si yi si Olorun, o ma nmu alaafia,  ayo, ati Pataki julo, ireti wa. 

Ni gba ti Olorun ba fun Aye re ni Ayipada ti o ga, kii se oun ti o le fi pamo, gbogbo  oju ni yio ri, gbogbo eti ni yio gbo, gbogbo enu ni yio so. 


Baba, je ki aye mini iriri ayipadati o ga, si je ki gbogbo enu ki o yin o logo nipase mi. Amin.

BIBELI KIKA: Luke 23:32-43 

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